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你有什么爱好?What's your hobby?

你的爱好是什么?What’s your hobby?

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无不良嗜好。Without bad hobby.

参加一个兴趣小组。Join a hobby group.

钓鱼饲他的主耀爱好。Angling his main hobby.

他爱好昆虫学。His hobby is entomology.

我的爱好墨宝。My hobby is calligraphy.

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我的新爱好就是开车。My new hobby is driving.

我的爱好是下象棋。My hobby is playing chess.

我的爱好是溜旱冰。My hobby is roller skating.

他的嗜好是栽培植物。His hobby is nursing plants.

我的爱好是读课外书。My hobby is reading stories.

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我的业余爱好是集邮.My hobby is collecting stamps.

我的爱好是踏板车。My hobby is riding my scooter.

没有任何业余爱好或热情?Don't have a hobby or passion?

他的爱好是做汽车模型。His hobby is making model cars.

他的爱好是画漫画。His is hobby is drawing cartoons.

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必竟,每个人都需要有一个业余爱好的。After all, everyone needs a hobby.

他将饲养赛马当作一种爱好。He has bred racehorses as a hobby.

他惟一的喜好是莳花。His only hobby is growing flowers.