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真是一个烫手山芋。Hot potato.

不,我要烤土豆。No, a baked potato.

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给我烤土豆加酸酱。Give me a baked potato?

另外你的烤土豆……And your baked potato...

现在的我喜欢吃洋芋。Now I like eating potato.

我们都是小土豆“是什么意思?。All of us are small potato.

可不可以买点土豆片?Can we get some potato chips?

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马铃薯和腰果制成的红色咖喱Red curry of potato and cashews

吉姆已经成了不折不扣的“桌边神游族”。Jim has become a real desk potato.

吃洋芋片是很容易发胖的。Potato chips are really fattening.

我公司提供优质马铃薯淀粉。We supply high-grade potato starch.

不传统的传统甜薯菜肴。A non-traditional sweet potato dish.

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我们想要一个薯仔沙律一起吃。Can we have a potato salad to share?

我把地瓜园围起来。I surrounded the sweet potato field.

我要吃削了皮的地瓜。I want to eat a peeled sweet potato.

孩子们猛吃土豆片。The children gorged on potato chips.

他们的主要农作物是白薯。Their main crop is the sweet potato.

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马铃薯真的能够全部都做到吗?Can the potato really do all of that?

马铃薯是极有价值的食物。The potato is an invaluable esculent.

给我烤土豆加酸酱。Give me a baked potato with sour cream.