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拥抱怪物吧。Hug the monster.

他给了我一个拥抱。He gives me a hug.

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他们互相拥抱。They hug each other.

请抱抱我吧。请你。Please hug me. Please.

要是你需要拥抱咋办?What if you need a hug?

我也是,保重。拥抱。Me, too. Take care. Hug.

常常拥抱和偎依。Hug and snuggle more often.

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船紧靠着岸边而行。The boat hug ged the coast.

情人节去拥抱一个御宅之男。Hug a nerd on Valentines Day.

谁能给我温柔拥抱,我感觉心快要碎掉了。Who can give me a gentle hug.

他的拥抱短暂而笨拙。His hug was short and awkward.

我们拥抱处在痛苦中的人。We hug people who are in pain.

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我既没尖叫,也没和人拥抱。I did not scream or hug anyone.

每个轻拍背膀,每一个拥抱every pat on the back, every hug

这里已经干了很久了,靠近悬崖一边的路面很松弛了,记住一定要靠着山走。Be sure to hug the mountain side.

别碰我与我可以拥抱你吗?Don't touch me and May I hug you?

我说很好,她给了我一个拥抱。I said Yes and she gave me a hug.

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他的朋友热诚拥抱他。His friends gave him a cordial hug.

我把行李装上车,和他握手道别,还偶然拥抱了一下。I shook his hand and chanced a hug.

当幸福来临时,请拥抱它!When happiness comes, Plase hug it!