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他们正在脱麦粒。They are thrashing their wheat.

小鸟在拍翅。The bird is thrashing its wings.

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他们正在谷仓里打谷。They are thrashing the corn in the barn.

这个孩子被痛打了一顿。A thrashing administered especially as punishment.

农民们正在打收获的麦粮。The farmers are thrashing the harvested wheat crop.

我们是老式敲击黑暗混账金属!!!We are old-school thrashing black fucking metal! ! !

瞧那些鱼在网里乱蹦乱跳!Look at all those fished thrashing around in the net!

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击溃热刺是本赛季众多精彩镜头中的一个。Thrashing Spurs was one of many highlights this season.

他们要把玉米在打谷场晾晒干。They are going to weather the corn in the thrashing field.

斯蒂芬因为高烧在床上烦躁不安地翻来翻去。Stephen was thrashing about in bed with a high temperature.

在有脱粒机之前,农民用手打麦脱粒。Before thrashing machines farmers thrashed their wheat by hand.

她已经白忙了一星期,试图想出一个解决办法。She's been thrashing for a week now, trying to think out a solution.

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惊厥,大约在地板上大胜,目光呆滞,发泡,僵化。Convulsions, thrashing about on the floor, glassy-eyed , foaming, rigid.

可以通过它发现是否存在许多分页活动以及是否发生了抖动。If there is a lot of paging and thrashing going on, you will find it here.

到凉衣绳那儿还要从乱草中走来走去,那么费事,简直让人受不了。I just can't stand thrashing through these weeds to get to the clothesline.

过了一会儿,她的背拱起,胳膊和腿开始剧烈抽动。Moments later her back arched, and her arms and legs began thrashing wildly.

如此说来,在陈的池塘里拍打着尾巴的那一群就意味着渔业的未来。That means that the creatures thrashing in Chen's ponds are the future of fish.

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如果你想要游很快,帮个忙,别到处乱打水,放松去感觉水。If you want to swim really fast, stop thrashing about, relax and feel the water.

据说鲨鱼两次靠近他,随后他消失在疾风暴雨般的噬咬中。It was seen approaching him twice before he disappeared in a flurry of thrashing.

当出现这种情况时,通常表示系统中发生了颠簸现象。When this occurs, it usually signifies that thrashing is going on in your system.