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集群发送器通道。Cluster sender channel.

请提供一个有效的发信人电子邮件地址。Please provide a valid sender email address.

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查看发件人字段的将退回的物料。View the Sender field of the returned items.

发送方通道和接收方通道成对地起作用。The sender and receiver channels act in pairs.

邮件被盖上退还邮寄人的印戳退回。It came back with "return to sender"stamped on it.

发送者绝不会知道他/她的请求会怎样处理——这不关他/她的事。The sender never knows -- it's not their business.

第三个首选项是发送者电子邮件地址。The third preference is for the sender email address.

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未得寄件人同意,请勿转寄他人信件。Do not forward mails without permission of the sender.

消息发送者也必须指定投递类型。The message sender must specify the post type as well.

若你没有被呼召出去,选择作为一个差派者。If you aren't called to go, then choose to be a sender.

其优点是发送方一方便就可以传送数据。Its advantage is that a sender can transmit data easily.

他说,信可能已退还寄信人了。He said the letter might have been returned to the sender.

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礼物的涵义是送礼对者你的象征性的表达。Gifts meaning is a symbolic expression of it sender to you.

发送方用自己的私钥加密消息摘要。The sender encrypts the message digest under her private key.

在一次会议中发送者可能经常发生变化。The sender instance may often change during a single session.

决定是否在通讯录中寻找寄件者电子邮件帐号。Determines whether to lookup the sender email in address book.

通过发出这条命令,在源系统启动发送器通道Start the sender channel at the source by issuing this command

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所有发送的电子邮件中的白名单将不会被视为垃圾邮件。All sender emails in the whitelist will not be regarded as SPAM.

如寄信人为个人只需写地址无需写姓名。If the sender is an individual put address only no name is needed.

在世纪佳缘发送信息,既可由发信人付费,也可由收信人付费。The messages on Jiayuan can be paid by the sender or the receiver.