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这并不太低劣。That's not too shabby.

他们住在一条陋巷里。They lived in a shabby street.

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不要对我耍卑劣的手段。Don't play a shabby trick on me.

好像这整座陋屋在屏息谛听。The shabby house seemed to listen.

你穿那件衣服显得很寒碜。You look rather shabby in those rags.

汉正街原来是破旧、窄小的一条旧街。Hanzheng was a shabby and narrow street.

哎呀,你怎么能住在这么破的地方呢?How can you live in such a shabby place?

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一个老人,一只破旧的船与一片茫茫大海。An old man, a shabby boat and a vast sea.

这是一间昼夜营业的破破烂烂的小咖啡馆。It was a small and shabby all-night café.

殿下,请原谅我献上这般菲薄的礼品。Prince, please forgive this shabby present.

他穿着那套破烂烂的工作服好像更自在些。He seems more at home in his shabby overalls.

过去这路边破败的房子排成行。The shabby houses used to range along the road.

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弱小因灵魂而无畏,鄙陋因思想而永恒。Weak get gut from soul, Shabby immortal for thought.

这个孤儿穿着破旧的衣服,无处可去。The orphan wore shabby clothes and had nowhere to go.

我们开始看到,犯罪叫我们大失体面。We begin to see that sin makes us look rather shabby.

我寻遍我愚笨的脑袋却也无法找到答案。I have wracked my shabby brain and can find no answer.

汉正街原来是破旧、窄小的一条旧街。The Hanzheng Street was originally a narrow, shabby street.

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如今是寄住在朋友家的寒酸小时工。Today is lodged at a friends house the shabby hourly workers.

当时的甜蜜和伤心立马变得卑鄙和恶俗起来。What seemed sweet and sad immediately turns shabby and tawdry.

对不起,我这黑不溜秋的身子,弄脏了母后的浴袍。Forgive me. My shabby clothes have soiled the Empress' bathrobe.