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送友人或自用。For friends or for oneself.

而自己和秦朝呢。But oneself and Qin Dynasty.

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人要有空间才能怡然自得。One needs space to be oneself.

人贵有自知之明。It is valuable to know oneself.

于是我用力地去擦拭....Then I exert oneself to polish....

温柔对己则是皇后。And gentleness to oneself is queen.

和自己早已被风吹干的泪痕!And the oneself had blown dry tear!

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给自己冲一下电!Flushes for oneself the electricity!

也许今后咱们有机会在一起。Mayby we can get by oneself sometime.

人在爱中超越自我。To be in love is to surpass oneself.

首先要找自己的问题。Want to seek oneself issue above all.

向你自己呼唤爱并扩展。Call the love unto oneself and expand.

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每个人都痛恨自己的手机。Everybody abhors oneself mobile phone.

怎么克制自己冲动的情绪?How to restrain oneself actuation mood?

也曾不断地告戒自己。Once constantly warned oneself as well.

这样的事情独自一个人是做不起来的。One cannot do such a thing for oneself.

可我不想放纵自己。Can I not miss a self-indulgent oneself.

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来释放自己潜在的恐惧。To release the oneself to fear latently.

有个暴发户在舞会上神气活现地四处走动。A parvenu swaggers by oneself at a party.

我对目前的生活心满意的。Disport oneself to one's heart's content.