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瑞典与挪威、芬兰接壤。Sweden borders Norway and Finland.

绝路桥坐落于挪威的大西洋之路。A bridge on the Atlantic Road in Norway.

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这个男人就是现任挪威首相延斯·斯托尔滕贝格。Her husband is the prime minister of Norway.

挪威王国是土地的仙子。The kingdom of Norway is the land of fairies.

这个湖叫宋,在挪威奥斯陆。The lake is called Sognsvann in Oslo, Norway.

现在我们知道挪威的某些人可以这么做。Now we know that someone from Norway can do it.

挪威在第一次世界大战时期是中立国。Norway was a neutral country during World War I.

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2011世界美髯锦标赛自5月15日起在挪威的特隆赫姆市举行。The 2011 WBMC starts May 15 in Trondheim, Norway.

这是挪威海德马克的邮政编码分类。This is the postcode category of Hedmark, Norway.

这是挪威布斯克吕的邮政编码分类。This is the postcode category of Buskerud, Norway.

这是挪威罗加兰的邮政编码分类。This is the postcode category of Rogaland, Norway.

这是挪威西福尔的邮政编码分类。This is the postcode category of Vestfold, Norway.

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我不认为挪威队的进攻会有很多办法。I do not believe that Norway attack with many elements.

现居挪威西海岸的斯塔万格。She now lives in Stavanger at the west coast of Norway.

该图所示的是摄于挪威乌尔斯约德山上的北极光。The aurora borealis over mountains in Ulsfjord, Norway.

你和诺威学校领导谈过了吗?。Well, did you talk to the norway school board about it?

象挪威那样的国家,在温室中也能种植香蕉。A country like Norway could produce bananas in hothouse.

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马里。茵格尔是挪威数字广播的发言人。Mari Hagerup is a spokesperson for Digital Radio Norway.

只有沙特和俄罗斯的石油出口超过挪威。Only Saudi Arabia and Russia export more oil than Norway.

芬兰和挪威境内外的航班都受到了影响。Flights in and out of Finland and Norway are also affected