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她站在那个男人面前,像个妖妇。She stood before the man as a temptress.

诱惑男人的女性保持了在地板上的她眼睛。The Temptress kept her eyes on the floor.

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品牌新海关哈女性氏风月颅骨黑色手表!Brand New Ed Hardy Women's Temptress Skull Black Watch!

在基督教中,女性是妖媚的,她们是欲望的源泉。For the Christians woman is a temptress and a source of desire.

超级名模简·布拉克内尔扮演一个性感女郎来勾引他。Supermodel Jane Bracknel plays a nubile temptress out to seduce him.

超级名模简郥·布拉克内尔扮演一个性感女郎来勾引他。Supermodel Jane Bracknel plays a nubile temptress out to seduce him.

他是什么类型的?萎蔫的花朵?明亮的圆嘟嘟的?还是阴燃诱惑的女人?What's his type? Wilting flower? Bright and bubbly? Or smoldering temptress?

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我得去与敌人更常见的裸露上身的水平之内。I have to go with the more common topless enemy within the level, The Temptress.

正如其他女恶魔一般狡猾的莉莉斯找到了回到庇护所的方法,继续她的努力。Lilith, cunning as the temptress demoness was, found a way to return to Sanctuary and continued her efforts.

该是围绕是因为他们的背叛和阴谋而走过一次死亡线后,如何变成地狱妖妇的过程而展开的。The are around because they are a betrayal and conspiracy and through a how the process turned into hell Temptress initiated.

简而言之,这部电视剧讲述的就是一个世界上最贤惠的贤妻良母如何变化世界上最可怕的地狱妖妇的故事。In short, this is a drama about the world"s most virtuous wife and mother of the changes in the world"s most terrible hell Temptress story.

骗子给您带来的幻想后,再在这个暨贴近生活他妈的巨星之一吸烟热风月。Hustler brings you one smoking-hot temptress after another in this fantasy-cum-to-life fuck fest. Includes facials, girl on girl, ass eating and ANAL!

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妖妇对催眠免疫,而且没一仗都能诱惑一个生物。英雄可以控制被诱惑的生物。Succubus Temptress is immune to hypnosis, and has the ability to seduce a creature one time per battle. The owner of the succubus can control seduced creatures.

我很难想象在不借助任何超自然力量的前提下从这么一个性感女性身边走过–不管我铭记了多少圣人格言也无济于事。For example, I cannot imagine walking away from the temptress without the assistance of a supernatural power-no matter how many of the sage's proverbs I had internalized.