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他们会蜂拥而至的!They’ll come flocking in!

⊙、踏破青毡可惜,多行数步何妨。Flocking felt pity, multi-line step number.

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烧花、植绒和印花样品布卡。Fabric hangers for burn-out, flocking and printing.

鼻子是高级塑胶植绒鼻子!The nose is the high-quality revertex flocking nose!

同时,高辊的游客涌向佛罗里达州。Meanwhile, high-roller tourists are flocking to Florida.

人们成群地涌到电影院去看这部新电影。People are flocking into the cinema to see the new film.

然后,他们加入了涌向笼舍的人群。And then they joined the crowds flocking toward the cages.

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为什么公司踊跃地将其现金管理外包?Why are companies flocking to outsource their cash management?

但有些人蜂拥去购买抗病毒药物以求心安。Yet some people are flocking to get an antiviral to feel safe.

使得阿根廷人能够大量地购买汽车和平板电视。Argentines are flocking to buy cars and flat-screen televisions.

他说,人们已经争相购买新的节能产品了。Already, he says, people are flocking to the new, efficient products.

大学生正在大量从事诸如遗传学和分子生物学等领域的研究。Students are flocking to such fields as genetics and molecular biology.

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众多的好莱坞名流都去光顾珍妮特·沃恩的美甲店。The glitterati of Hollywood are flocking to Janet Vaughan's nail salon.

好莱坞的名人都涌向简内特•沃恩的美甲沙龙。The glitterati of Hollywood are flocking to Janet Vaughan's nail salon.

这是一个公园的美丽夜晚,到处是悠閒散步的人群。It is a beautiful evening at the park with joggers flocking to the track.

结队飞行的鸟对飞行姿势和凝聚力是视而不见的。A flocking bird is blind to the grace and cohesiveness of a flock in flight.

于是,许多“失踪的一代”回到这里,在他们的祖国投下庄严的一票。Still, many Lost Boys are flocking back here, to cast votes in their homeland.

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由于那里的排岸浪产生了一些巨大的海浪,冲浪爱好者正在纷纷涌向夏威夷。Surfers are flocking to Hawaii where the surf is kicking up some massive waves.

公司员工超过150名,拥有2条先进的生产线,每月产量可达80万码。We have employed more than 150 workers, and we have 2sets advanced flocking line.

罗杰,他在临刑前的一句话让人们趋之若鹜奔向大海。Roger in his pre-sentence before execution so that people are flocking towards the sea.