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但设立军事热线是一个漫长而拖沓的进程。But setting it up was a long and protracted process.

专家表明任何一方都想拖延冲突。Experts suggest neither side wants a protracted conflict.

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受船刑而死给受刑人带来的是无尽的痛苦和羞辱.Death by scaphism was painful, humiliating, and protracted.

我们不希望看到欧洲被旷日持久的危机所削弱。We don’t want to see Europe weakened by a protracted crisis.

亚瑟对抗莫德雷德的战争持续了很久。Why is the War of Resistance Against Japan a protracted war?

“这个过程是极其漫长和使人疲惫,”克洛珀斯说,“两个人坐在面对面寻求一个一气呵成价格是非常艰难的。"The process is very protracted and exhausting, " Kloppers said.

这标志着这一长期的外交战将进入休战阶段。This marks another phase of a truce in a protracted diplomatic war.

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Galí先生担心这可能会使西班牙陷入长期经济下滑。Mr Galí frets that this may condemn the country to a protracted slump.

战争久拖不决成为消耗美国的战略绞索。The protracted war turned into the hangman's noose on the neck of the US.

但是,我们担心这次复苏相对缓慢和漫长。However, we fear that the recovery will be relatively slow and protracted.

“无毒社区”是持久开展禁毒斗争的有效载体。Drug-free community" is an effective vehicle for protracted combat vs drugs."

实际上所导致的却是世界上最大支出者衰弱期的延长了.But the die is cast for a protracted weakening of the world's biggest spender.

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因此,这些人物显得空洞,彷佛长期处于休克的状态。As a result, the figures appear depthless, as if in a protracted state of shock.

大师最反感赖在修道院不走的人。The Master had an allergy for people who protracted their stay at the monastery.

鄱阳湖及其他大湖周围的反血吸虫斗争却进行的很缓慢。A protracted struggle beckons on the shores of Poyang and China’s other big lakes.

如果这事业,这样旷日持久和不知疲乏,又能这样英勇不屈而威风凛凛,那才好呵!If the enterprise were as heroic and commanding as it is protracted and unwearied!

第一,中美两国应当携起手来,防止出现旷日持久的全球衰退。First, the two countries should join forces to prevent a protracted global recession.

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许多因素导致孟加拉国水井事件拖成了疑难杂症。Many factors caused the Bangladesh well intervention to become a protracted struggle.

下前牙在舌向移动与倾斜同时略有升高,平面变平。The lower anterior teeth moved lingually and protracted. Occlusal plane is flattened.

我们花了额外的时间回到巴内特山去修好轮胎,然后又上了路。After a protracted return to Mount Barnett for tyre repairs, we were back on the road.