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因此,他们把邦德赶出了家门。So they drove Boner out of the door.

就在那个时候,邦德打电话来了。Just at that moment, Boner was calling.

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你这一回恐怕是犯了一个愚不可及的大错。I am afraid you have pulled a boner this time.

“有那玩意儿是种莫大的荣幸,”我爸说。“Having a boner is a great privilege, ” says Dad.

于是他告诉邦德和埃迪那是一个可卡因聚会。So he told Boner and Eddie that there was cocaine at that party.

于是她坚持让邦德留下来,并且享受西弗家的盛性款待。So she insisted keeping Boner stay and enjoy the seaver's hospitality.

而且邦德告诉迈克,他很久以前就有了这种想法了。And Boner told Mike that he had been thining about that for a long time.

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听他的呻吟,而他抽搐了,它会给你一个即时博纳。Listen to him moaning while he jerks off, it'll give you an instant boner.

当邦德走进迈克家时,他看到了那位漂亮的女孩,安妮。When Boner came into Mike's house and wanted to take his sleeping bag out.

我要失陪了,去给波拿打个电话,他会伤心的。Now if you'll excuse me, I have to call Boner and break my best friends heart.

他想,如果邦德加入了海军陆战队,就等于他毁了自己的一生。He thought that if Boner joined the Marine, he was just throwing all his life away.

因此,他到邦德家去了,他想从邦德那里了解更多有关参加海军陆战队的事情。So he went to Boner's house and wanted to know more about the Marine thing from Boner.

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你这一回恐怕是犯了一个愚不可及的大错。你的职员都在窃笑呢。I am afraid you have pulled a boner this time. Your staff are all laughing up their sleeves.

就在那时,邦德跑进他们家并且告诉他们,他报名参加了海军陆战队。Just at that moment, Boner run into their house and told them that he enlisted in the Marines.

你这回恐怕是犯了一个愚不可及的大错,你的职员都在窃笑呢。I am afraid you have pull a boner this time. Your staff members are all laughing up their sleeves.

你这回恐怕是犯了一个愚不可及的错误,你的雇员都在嘲笑你呢!I am afraid you have pulled a boner this time , you staff members are all laughing up their sleeves.

你这回恐怕是犯了一个愚不可及的大错,你的职员都在窃笑呢。I am afraid you have pulled a boner this time. Your staff members are all laughing up their sleeves.

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Bonér和Bevin面对的最大挑战是如何群集RIFE模板引擎的动态。The biggest challenge Bonér and Bevin ran into however was clustering the dynamicity of the RIFE template engine.

当我在交通方面犯了错误,由于乱闯而佔用了别的车子的路权时,我会微笑而且道歉地耸起肩。When I pulled a boner in traffic, taking the right-of-way from the other car with my blundering, I'd smile and hunch my shoulders apologetically.