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我们能听到狂风暴雨的吹打声。We could hear the bluster of the wind and rain.

我们决不会被反动派的气势汹汹所吓倒。We shall never be cowed by the bluster of reactionaries.

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他说的话吓不倒我——不过是雷声大,雨点小。I wasn't frightened by what he said, it was just bluster.

我们往往予以认同崇尚暴力和狂妄自大的人。Too often, we honor swagger and bluster and the wielders of force.

中国全是在虚张声势,他们只是个不稳定的第三世界洞穴。China is all bluff and bluster they're an unstable 3 rd world hole.

和我在一起他就不自在,他的吵嚷大都是由于怯懦。He was not at ease with me, and much of his bluster rose from timidity.

我们既不相信他们的甜言蜜语,也不怕他们的恐吓威胁。We do not believe their nice word nor are we intimidated by their bluster.

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回到本届总统竞选,共和党候选人关于外交政策的辩论充斥着虚张声势和自吹自擂。On the Republican side, foreign policy talk is all bluster and braggadocio.

和他的前任唐纳德-拉姆斯菲尔德不同,在公众前的盖茨不显得咄咄逼人或威风八面。Gates does not have the bluster or panache of his predecessor, Donald Rumsfeld.

艾伦作弊被抓住后百般狡赖,不过他无法骗过我们。When Alan was caught cheating, he tried to bluster it out but he couldn't deceive us.

大多数印度人会考虑这样一个问题,对于这一声明,我们应该做何反应?The question in the minds of most Indians is how we should react to this piece of bluster?

当人口出狂言,自吹自擂时,基督平静地掌管历史,使它迈向神已经定下的终局。While men bluster and boast, Christ calmly governs all history toward its God-appointed end.

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德国军国主义的刀光剑影跃然纸上,又是“戴着护盔的拳”,又是“闪亮的护身甲”。They are full of the glitter and bluster of German militarism ?mailed fist and shining armour.

本义是狐狸借着老虎的威势去吓唬别的野兽。Its original meaning is that the fox borrows the tiger's ferocity to bluster other wild animals.

尽管埃利森以好斗和直言不讳而着称,但分析师表示,其所公开发表的尖刻言论,并非只是在恫吓对手.Although Ellison is famously combative and outspoken, analysts say the public vitriol is not mere bluster.

对印度来说,也没有什么值得庆祝的,因为在气势汹汹和张牙舞爪的外表下,是干旱贫瘠带来的伤痛和悲哀。And it should provoke no triumphalism in India, for behind the bluster and the bravado, there is arid pain and sadness.

“我对他印象很深,”穿了一身白的鲁斯塔德说,“他总是喋喋不休,说话大声,长篇大论,不过大多是吹牛。”“I remember him well,” says Rustad, who is all dressed in white. “He was a talker, he spoke long and loudly—mainly bluster.

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一个软弱的国家,犹如一个软弱的人,必须咆哮怒嚎、自我吹嘘、轻率鲁莽和做些其它显示出不安的事情”。It's a weak nation, like a weak person, that must behave with bluster and boasting and rashness and other signs of insecurity.

西恩·潘同意出演米尔克令人惊讶,但他用自己的方式塑造了一个复杂,操纵力强的绅士。Penn is a surprising choice for the role, but he reins in his Method bluster to create a complex, manipulative yet gentle man.

我们要有清醒的头脑,这里包括不相信帝国主义的“好话”和不害怕帝国主义的恐吓。We must be clear-headed, that is, we must not believe the "nice words" of the imperialists nor be intimidated by their bluster.