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乐德维尔了卓尔齐的水平26和发展它。Le vel up Drow zee to level 26 and evolve it.

ZEE阿维次两件乐器,吉他和夏威夷四弦琴。Zee Avi plays two instruments, the guitar and the ukulele.

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平安夜,杰西夫妇搬至一间小屋,位于俯视圣约瑟夫的一座小山顶。On Christmas Eve, Jesse and Zee moved their family into a small house atop a high hill overlooking St. Joseph.

的思想飘浮在这个新的星系中,对这些数不清的星团带着略微的兴趣。Zee Prime's mind spanned the new Galaxy with a faint interest in the countless twists of stars that powdered it.

但这也是为什么,莱纳德和李博士看好它——可见光和电磁波会被星际间的灰尘和气体吸收和分散。But that is precisely why Dr Learned and Dr Zee like the look of them. Light and radio waves are absorbed and scattered by interstellar gas and dust.

放寒假的时候,我妈总带我去霞慕尼",还有的说,我家就在艾菲尔铁塔旁边,我跟国人接触的多"Well mommy used to take us to Chamonix for the--pour les vacances d'hiver." Or, "Our apartment next to the Tour d'Eiffel gave me contact with zee French people."

在荷兰滨海埃赫蒙德度假期间,布鲁内向一岁的儿子讲述他们之前在沙丘上看到的小白兔的故事之后,于1955年创造了米菲。Miffy was created in 1955 after Bruna had been telling his one-year-old son stories about a little rabbit they had seen earlier in the dunes, while on holiday at Egmond aan Zee.

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夏威夷大学的约翰.莱德,加利福尼亚大学的安东尼.哲以及珊塔.芭芭拉都已发表文章证明他们的方法更可靠。And for several years John Learned of the University of Hawaii and Anthony Zee of the University of California, Santa Barbara, have been promulgating what they believe is a better idea.

莱德和哲博士设计出一种粒子加速器,利用另一种亚原子粒子n介子作为中介,从而实现更优的方案。Dr Learned and Dr Zee have come up with a design for a particle accelerator that would do the job a good deal more modestly, using another type of subatomic particle, the pion, as an intermediary.

影片最后他说,"知道吗,最近有些关于我的谣言,说我给德军唱歌,我想告诉你我只给我们的小伙子们唱",指的是在德国的被俘法军And at the end of the movie he says, "You know, there are zese very bad rumors about me, and that I sang for zee German troops, and I want to tell you I only sang for zee boys," that is, for the French interned soldiers in Germany then.