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他讲起话来好像是个女生。He talks like he is a sissy.

我觉得他这个人太娘娘腔了。I think he’s an awful sissy.

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她可能以为我在这里变得女里女气了。She probably thinks I went sissy up in here.

儿子,你怎么看起那种女人气的杂志来啦?Son, why are you reading that sissy magazine?

方先生是一个舞蹈教练谁似乎娘娘腔。Fang is a dance instructor who appears sissy. Mr.

我不觉得你是个娘娘腔,你就是有点女性化。I don't really think you're a sissy. You're a little girly.

之后,认识勒。伱。阿郎。在我误认伱是娘娘腔之中。After Lang ah you know, in my mistake you are being a sissy. We recognize the.

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其他演员还包括为从Felix的过去的女人奥斯卡奖得主茜茜切克。The cast also features Oscar winner Sissy Spacek as a woman from Felix's past.

而推广的对象主要是男性时,又最忌婆婆妈妈娘娘腔。And the object of promotion basically is the male when, most avoid sentimental is sissy.

虽然你在盲注位置打得很紧,但并不意味着你是胆小鬼。But just because you are playing tight in the blinds doesn't mean you are a big sissy either.

“我没法不让他转呀,”思嘉毫不在意地耸了耸肩膀。"我觉得他这个人太娘娘腔了。”“I couldn't help him buzzing,” Scarlett shrugged negligently. “I think he's an awful sissy .”

“我没法不让他转呀,”思嘉毫不在意地耸了耸肩膀。“我觉得他这个人太娘娘腔了。”"I couldn't help him buzzing, " Scarlett shrugged negligently. "I think he's an awful sissy . "

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你需要清洁一张跳音的CD或DVD,而作为个单身汉又没有那么有女人味的清洁剂怎么办?You need to clean a skipping DVD or CD, but as a bachelor you don’t have any sissy cleaning fluids?

我知道我应该告诉她,他们对我来说,才适宜的像我戴绿帽娘娘腔。I know that I should have told her that they were for me, it would only be appropriate for a cuckolded sissy like me.

江阴GINA茜茜酒吧坐落在来富岛假日酒店旁边的江阴欧美风情酒吧一条街的益健路上。Jiangyin GINA Sissy Bar is located in Yijian Road, Jiangyin European& American style bar, beside Jiangyin Life Island Hotel.

墨菲的故事用于当作一种证据,指出使用惩罚性的行为治疗能避免”娘娘腔”男孩长大后变成同性恋。His story has been cited as evidence that the use of punitive behavioral therapy can prevent "sissy boys" from growing up gay.

于是,我父亲把我的旧单车拿过去,仿照Sting-Ray的样子,涂了一层新漆,装了一个细长而后部翘起的车座、一个直把,座位后面还装了一根保护杠。So my father took my old bike, slapped a new coat of paint on it, and equipped it with a banana seat, monkey handlebars and a sissy bar.

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那群保镖一直护卫着娘娘腔后撤,见我冲上来,当下有两个迎击。Those bodyguards after having been escorting sissy withdraw and see me blunt to come up and at that moment have 2 to make frontal attack.

“你可不想在船员里有些胆小鬼”,他说,特别是对以捕鱼方式近乎癫狂的冰岛船长来说。“You don’t want to have some sissy boys on your crew, ” he says, especially as Icelandic captains are famously manic in their fishing styles.

奥巴马将反抗中国,而操着娘娘腔的懦夫共和党则拒绝这么做,并且继续在所有美国人面前,尴尬地向中国屈服!President Obama will stand up to China, while the weak sissy Republican GOP refuses and continues to bow to China in their embarrassment to all of America !