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那你们是矿冶公会的一员?The meeting hall of a guild.

先生是要去仁武会馆?The Sir wants to Ren compel guild?

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我属于主管酒类的男仆同业公会。I belong to a guild of wine butlers.

但是,这并不意味着他们解散。Settle down. The Guild is disbanding.

那你们是矿冶公会的一员?SO you're part of the mining guild then?

这就是他们对行会战争和星战的反击?This is their answer to SWTOR and Guild Wars 2?

激战2将会有非人的总称的人种操作么?Will Guild Wars 2 have non-human playable races?

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公会学院会在那里教会你与石为语。The Guild college there'll teach you to talk stone.

UST是TW-圣光之愿服务器联盟方一亲友休閒公会。UST is a casual Alliance guild on TW-Light's Hope Realm.

检查公会的创建结果,一些和公会相关的清理。Check guild creating result, some guild related cleanups.

城市妇女协会的一个会议将在星期一召开。A meeting of the townswomen's guild will be held on Monday.

他从1973年到1981年担任美国剧作家协会的主席。He was president of the Dramatists Guild from 1973 to 1981.

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他的续篇,激战2,将继续进行这个传统。Its sequel, Guild Wars 2, is slated to carry on this tradition.

购物流程表,教您如何在我们的网站顺利完成购物手续哦!We're here to guild you how to complete your order successfully!

黑绿重要的主题之一就是掘坟。Graveyard recursion is a huge theme for the green and black guild.

激战2设计团队相信一个游戏可以将它们合二为一。The Guild Wars 2 design team believes that a game should have both.

哈萨辛大师行会是狞笑和死亡的渊薮。The Master Hashashim's' Guild house is a den of delights and death.

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勇士部落城堡的水路,家族对抗战在相近结束。The Waterways of the Perion Castle. The Guild Quest ends near here.

他抓起了汤姆放在马上,然后鞭打着马走了。Then he hit the horse, which ran off, Guild wars gold carrying Tom.

白公子,不知您为什么会投资我会馆?The childe of the white don't understand why you will invest my guild?