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Trainz模拟器总谐波失真是Android的一个世界第一!Trainz Simulator THD is a world first for Android!

这位讲师细心准备课程。The instructor prepared thd class lesson carefully.

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我已经把这些文件翻译好了,请过目。I've already translated thd files, please have a lood.

在我上床以前我会关掉暖气和锁上门的。I'll turn off thd heat and lock thd door before I go to bed.

每年陆军和海浑都举行防空演习。Every year the army and thd mavy hold maneuvers for practice.

甲亢心的主要治疗是抗甲状腺治疗。The cornerstone of the treatment of THD is antithyroid therapy.

如果没有THD的支持,我们是不可能为客户提供最好的服务的。We couldn't provide the best service without the support of THD.

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科学输血对胃癌手术患者的意义。Significance of science transfusion of thd patients with gastric carcinoma.

可变的时延影响功放的动态稳定。Variable time delay effects on thd dynamic stabilization of power amplifiers.

我的穿着是根据当天的时刻和我要去的地点来决定。What I wear depends on the time of the day and thd places that I am going to.

其中,野人之谜的传说更给神农架增添了神秘的色彩。Among them, thd sighting on wild, ape-like creatures add to its mysterious sense.

当爱说话时,众爱的声音使苍天沉浸在和谐的静寂中。And when love speak, the voice of all thd gods makes heaven drowsy with the harmony.

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在NL原粉基础上,制备了具有一定稳定性的乙基化催化剂Z937。An ethylation catalyst Z937 with suitable stability were prepared on thd basis of NL.

深抽已成为机采提液的一项重要手段。Deep pumping has been one of thd important methods of mechanical oil recovery raffinate.

蜂鸟飞进去后,我关上门,又放好一个食具。When the hummingbird came inside, I closed thd door behind him, then set up another feeder.

它消耗了日军大量的有生力量,其中万家岭战役全歼日军一个整编师团。A lot of Japanese living forces were killed, of which In thd Wanjialing Battle, a whole reorganized.

介绍了对引进产品中通用基础标准在南飞公司的贯彻情况。This article introduces thd implementation of general ba sic standards of imported products in NAMC.

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批处理控制器的程序控制开关用于启动,复位及停止批程序。The sequence control switches of batch controller are used to start, reset and stop thd batch sequence.

棒棒赛车总谐波失真是一种乐趣,动感十足的赛车游戏,有凉爽的视觉效果和抽水了跑车。Bang Bang Racing THD is a fun, action-packed racing game that has cool visuals and pumped-up sports cars.

两种方法估算结果均在一级近似之内,实验结果证明了这种方法的有效性。Experiments show that this new approach gives a simple relationship between THD and intermodulation distortion.