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欢迎动画,全金属炼金术士。Welcome to the anime, Full Metal Alchemist.

那么,你想做一个炼金术士,还是一个化学家呢?Would you rather be an alchemist or a chemist?

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练金术士的治疗喷射范围加大。Alchemist Healing Spray has an increased range.

例如如果想制作药水,可以成为炼金术士。If you want to make potions, then be an Alchemist.

当即,炼金术士的披风和蒸馏罐马上成为时尚,其价格立刻扶摇直上。The price of alchemist capes and retorts skyrocketed.

一位德国的炼金术士试图将白银炼成黄金。A German alchemist tried to transmute silver into gold.

要想成为一个点金术士,可以通过均衡锻炼左右脑来实现。You become an alchemist by developing both hemispheres of the brain.

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炼金术士借助炼金术将硫酸固化成型。The alchemist conjures a manifestation of the alchemical principal of vitriol.

龙口徐福镇,古称徐乡县,为秦朝方士徐福故里。City Xu Fuzhen, known as the Xu Xiang County, the hometown of Xu Fu for the alchemist.

凯利是个恶名昭彰的伪造者、神秘主义者和鍊金术士,相当熟悉卡丹格板。Kelley was a notorious forger, mystic and alchemist who was familiar with Cardan grilles.

在她早期的炼金术士生涯中,薇多米娜有一次在地穴之岛发现了一个传说中的宝物。In her early alchemist days, Vidomina once sought a legendary artifact on the Isle of Crypts.

瑞萨是第一个能将无用金属转化成水银的炼金术士。Rissa was the first Alchemist to perfect the art of converting useless soft metals into mercury.

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例如将来练金术士可以制作炼金术士特定的饰品。For example in the future, alchemists are going to be able to make an alchemist specific trinket.

安亚,一个年轻的鍊金术师,也是我们死去长老之一的女儿,己经失踪一段时间了。Anya, the young alchemist and daughter to one of our slain Elders, has been missing for some time.

一位来自纽约尤蒂卡的炼金术士,是最初普及这个想法的人们之一。Cyrus Teed, an alchemist from Utica , N. Y. , was one of the first people to popularize this idea.

炼金术士穿着金丝织成的衣服,被吊死在镀金的绞刑架上。The alchemist would be dressed in a tinsel suit and hanged from a gallows covered in gold-colored foil.

阿拉伯学者和炼金家,写了许多有关炼金理论的颇具影响的书籍,包括完美的冶炼产品。Arab scholar and alchemist who wrote a number of influential books of alchemical theory, including Summa Perfectionis.

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随着巫师和僵尸仆从消失在夜幕中,雷鸣和闪电也一并消逝。The sounds of thunder and lightning faded away as the alchemist and his dead companions disappeared into the dark night.

企图欺骗国王的炼金术士会受到死刑的惩罚,而且用的是全镀金的方式。Should an alchemist be found guilty of attempting to deceive the king, the penalty was execution, and in high gilded style.

国家鍊金术师,由总统直接下达命的特种部队,必要时必须上战场杀人。A special technical assembly of the national alchemist serving for the President. We have to kill anyone when it's necessary.