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如此说来,甚至云层雨水也是由生物的活动产生的。Thus perhaps even clouds and rain may be biogenic.

开发和使用生物源农药是时代的需要。Development and use of biogenic pesticides emerges as the times require.

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研究表明,NMHC的主要来源是当地植物的排放。Our result indicates that the main NMHC source is biogenic emission from vegetation.

柴达木盆地第四系生物气源岩可溶有机质含量约是不溶有机质含量的2。The content of dissoluble organic matter in quaternary source rock of biogenic gas is about 2.

二羟基吲哚是黑素原的重要中间体,也是一些氨基酸、生物碱、色胺的中间体。Dihydroxyindole is an important intermediate of melanin, amino-acid, biogenic base and tryptamine.

生物胺是一类含氮的脂肪族或杂环类低分子化合物。Biogenic amine is a kind of low molecular compounds belonging to nitric fatty group or heterocycle group.

通过重新设计实验流程,建立了针对未成熟生物气源岩的有机质丰度评价方法。By redesigning measurement processes, the assessment method of source rock for biogenic gas is established.

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有一些热带海滩上的沙粒来自于海洋生物体。Biogenic sand, which forms from the remains of marine life, is the major ingredient of many tropical beaches.

地球化学和地质资料表明,莺歌海-琼东南盆地存在着生物成因气。Both geological and geochemical data show that there are biogenic gas resources in Yinggehai-Qiongdongnan basin.

研究通过丹磺酰氯柱前衍生,用HPLC对纳豆发酵过程中的生物胺进行检测。Biogenic amines during the fermentation of natto was detected by HPLC, using precolumn derivatization with DNS-Cl.

淮南煤田煤层气属于热成因和次生生物成因气的混合气。Coalbed gases in Huainan coal field is a gas mixture resulted from thermogenic methane and secondary biogenic gas.

因此,淮南煤田中后期次生生物气的生成对矿区煤层气资源的贡献重大。Therefore, the contribution of secondary biogenic gases is great for coalbed gases resources in Huainan coalfield.

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所有的商业性生物气都存储在下切河谷内河漫滩-河口湾砂质透镜体中。All commercial biogenic gas is stored in the flood plain-estuary sand lenses of the incised of the incised valleys.

在以前的研究中柴达木盆地三湖地区生物气一直被认为是完全由第四系腐殖型有机质所生成的。Previous research has concluded that biogenic gas of the Sanhu region is generated from Quaternary humic source rock.

曲靖盆地是在云南省发现的具有工业价值生物气藏的第三系沉积盆地之一。Qujing Basin is one of several Tertiary sedimentary basins with the discovered biogenic gas resources in Yunnan Province.

因此,对生物胺进行研究和认识可以提高和改善食品的质量及安全性。There fore studies on biogenic amines can be beneficial for human beings in terms of improve quality and safety of foods.

葡萄酒中的生物胺主要是由相关微生物对氨基酸脱羧而产生,并且与诸多因素相关。Biogenic amines are formed mainly by microbial decarboxylation of amino acid and its formation is related to various factors.

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生物壳体碳酸盐的稳定氧、碳同位素已经被大量地应用在古气候、古环境研究中。The oxygen and carbon isotopes in biogenic carbonate have been extensively used in paleoclimate and paleoenvironment studies.

这些聚合物在那些生物胺的水平升高时颜色发生了改变,对食物的变质程度作出了指示。The polymers change color in the presence of increasing levels of these biogenic amines to indicate degrees of food spoilage.

同时,分析和总结了锰结核和锰的生物沉积特征。Then, the characteristics of manganese nodules and biogenic deposition of manganese are analyzed and summarized in the paper.