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他们可能出来扫射这桥。我们最好马上就走。They might be out to strafe this bridge. We'd better get off.

于是,按怀特的话说,我们选择俯冲轰炸并猛攻一个坦克部队。So, in Wright's words, we opted to dive bomb and strafe a panzer division.

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它的实现理论是很简单的,如果你是个新手,实际操作起来就不一样了。The theory is quite easy, but the practical part is hard if your new to strafe jumping.

精明的共和党人攒够了足以把希拉里拉下马的丑闻轶事。Republicans have shrewdly stockpiled a mammoth arsenal of past scandals to strafe Hillary with.

还有我要说明的,你有越高的FPS值,就可以更好更容易的完成旋转。And something I also should mention, the more FPS you have, the easier and better you can strafe.

端着DV机拍摄,真相端着机枪瞄准和扫射,我这个“司令”从一个拍摄阵地转移到另一个阵地。The truth is, a DV machine guns and strafe with this "commander, " I shot from one position to another.

我相信在利比亚允许飞机投下炸弹和炮弹的时候,国际社会不应当袖手旁观。And I believe that the global community cannot be on the sidelines while airplanes are allowed to bomb and strafe.

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这些高机动性,电脑控制的小飞机,撕裂敌军的飞行编队,强大的等离子电荷无情的扫射地面目标,使其行动缓慢。These maneuverable computer-guided craft tear through enemy flight formations and relentlessly strafe slower ground targets with potent plasma charges.

这些电脑导航的灵敏的战机撕开敌军的队形,用强烈的等离子激光炮无情地扫射迟钝的地面目标。These maneuverable, computer-guided craft tear through enemy flight formations and relentlessly strafe slower ground targets with potent plasma charges.

一九四三年,他不理会命令,驾机独闯纳粹佔领的一个城市,向着他父亲在那里遭处决的一栋盖世太保大楼,低飞扫射,然后掷下丧葬花圈。In 1943, he disregarded orders and flew alone into a Nazi-occupied city to strafe the Gestapo building where his father was executed, and then dropped a funeral wreath.

据有关当局描述,该犯罪团伙本打算在停车场的厕所和机场超市内分别点燃一瓶和三瓶汽油,他们甚至还有轰炸中国大使馆的计划。The agents said the men planned to ignite onebottle at a parking lot restroom and the three others at a shopping mall andalso had a plan to "strafe" the Chinese embassy.

盟军空中优势亦表现在其战斗轰炸机肆无忌惮,战斗轰炸机机型主要是P-47雷电,可携带两颗500磅炸弹,以炸弹、机枪轰炸扫射德军运输车队和集结处。Air supremacy also freed Allied fighter-bombers, principally P-47 Thunderbolts, capable of carrying two 500-pound bombs, to strafe and machine-gun and bomb German convoys and concentrations.

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这些火力支援包括四轮30mm机关炮的准确扫射和三枚GBU38型精确制导联合直接攻击弹药对目标的狂轰滥炸。Miller's involvement in the employment of CAS was largely responsible for the accuracy of four 30mm strafe runs and the emplacement of three precision-guided GBU38 munitions on the objective.

但是比赛开始后埃弗顿挟主场作战之威率先发动猛攻,费莱尼在禁区内的左脚扫射颇具威胁。But after competing starts, Everton to pinch prestige of the main floor combat to take the lead to start to fiercely attack, spends Laney 's to have the threat in forbidden area left leg strafe.