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这里就是印度。This is India.

教授艾图·克里,关于印度的讲解。Atul Kohli on India.

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这头牛身在印度。This cow is in India.

印度用用脑子吧!India use your brains!

缅甸与印度毗邻。Burma borders on India.

印度想敢为人先一次?India might be the first?

她由海程到印度。She went to India by sea.

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印度羊毛与毛织品。Wool & Woollens of India.

印度很快就要修高铁了?Bulet train soon in India.

印度无法变身中国。India can not become China.

印度的克利须那神就是个例子。Example in India is Krishna.

我订了张去印度的票。I booked my ticket to India.

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印度唱腔唱河的崛起。India Arie sings River Rise.

中国和印度都是追赶者。China and India are wannabes.

印度位于中国迤南。India locates southern china.

我因工作原因要外调到印度。My job was offshored to India.

我负责的工作内容被外包到印度了。My job was offshored to India.

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印度的粮食奇缺。Food is deadly wanted in India.

满脑大便的印度猪们。Full brain defecate India pigs.

在去了印度回来后查了你的档案。I pulled your file after India.