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软件类。Software category.

分类码是唯一的。Category Codes are unique.

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你是属于哪种类型呢?In which category are you?

因此,这一局是平手。So this category is a draw.

这是一个无投票权的范畴。This is a non-voting category.

当有2-10种标题时。There are 2-10 category titles.

伏拉雷也是同样的货色。Volare was in that same category.

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三点悬挂,I,II类连接均可。Three point linkage I-II category.

大多数用户属于这一种类。Most users fall into this category.

一个贴子只能归入一个类别。A post can only go into one category.

民航总局第一类在2007年获得评级。DGCA category I rating earned in 2007.

从一套唱片里面选择出你想要的类别。Pick the category from a set of discs.

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提货单和汇票属于同一范畴了?BL and draft belong to the same category?

乔治和我常常在比赛中勇夺魁首。George and I usually won in our category.

每一种分别由什么构成基因?What constitutes genes for each category?

非核心用户大致在18-35周岁这个年龄段以外。They don't fit in the core 18-35 category.

创建类别树来分类项目。Create Category Trees to classify projects.

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茶桶,将此增入于感应类中。Detong, add this to inspirational category.

可与矸类K一型卡拉胶形成凝聚。Rock category with a K-carrageenan a rally.

以人为本是一个历史范畴。"People-oriented" is a historical category.