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我们是勤恳工作的人。We're hardworking people.

勤奋是我的突出之点。Hardworking is my middle name.

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他们只是更不辞辛苦?Are they just more hardworking?

马予婷是个勤奋的女孩。Ma Yuting is a hardworking girl.

玛丽在班上之用功不输任何人。Mary is as hardworking as can be.

你们都是诚实正直、勤奋努力的人。You are all honest, hardworking people.

我是勤勉和上午非唯物论。I am hardworking and am non-materialistic.

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我会说我是个勤劳又诚实的人。NO11, I'd say I am hardworking and honest.

中华民族是勤劳勇敢的。The Chinese nation is brave and hardworking.

王宝强是个出身农村的勤快人。Wang is a hardworking man from a rural area.

我们中华民族是勤劳勇敢的。We Chinese people are brave and hardworking.

有些所谓的艺术家勤劳勇敢的。Some called the artist brave and hardworking.

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第一种原料是辛勤工作的老师。The first ingredient is a hardworking teacher.

中华民族是个勤劳勇敢的民族。The Chinese are a hardworking and brave people.

他们发现这位新来的人话不多,很勤奋。They found the new-comer quiet and hardworking.

我们需要既勤劳又和气的人。We want people who are hardworking and amiable.

我就喜欢你们这股扎扎实实埋头苦干的劲儿。I like your down-to-earth and hardworking spirit.

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当然,如果老板在监视的话,我会非常努力工作的。If my boss is watching, yes I’m, very hardworking.

中华民族是一个勤劳勇敢的民族。The Chinese people is a brave and hardworking one.

为人勤恳好学,有一定的责任心。Hardworking and eager to learn Strong responsibility.