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安非他命是谁卖给你的?Who sold you the amphetamine?

你从哪里得到安非他命?Where did you get the amphetamine?

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你使用安非他命有多久了?How long have you been using amphetamine?

标有名牌商标的产品畅销。A trademark used for a brand of amphetamine.

其成份往往包括安非他命和咖啡因。Ingredients often include amphetamine and caffeine.

安非他命是一种会刺激中枢神经系统的毒品。Amphetamine is a drug that stimulates the central nervous system.

我和爱人去伦敦市区搞到了一公斤苯丙胺。Me and my mate went to score a kilo of amphetamine down in London.

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我对鸦片的行为和我对待安非他明的行为完全不同。My behavior with opiates was nothing like my behavior with amphetamine.

英国15岁至34岁人群的安非他命使用量也没有以前那么高。People aged between 15 and 34 no longer hold the big-country record for amphetamine use.

苯丙胺类物质是一大类人工合成的以苯丙胺为母体的化合物。Amphetamines is one kind of synthetic compounds whose precursor structure is amphetamine.

我通常会得到安非他明带来的快乐和愚蠢的感觉,接着精疲力尽和两手空空。I would usually come down from these amphetamine highs with a sense of folly, exhausted and empty-handed.

安非他命和甲基苯丙胺据说由掸邦周围的武装集团制造。Amphetamine and methamphetamine are said to be manufactured by armed groups in the surrounding Shan state.

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同时,幸福和兴奋的心情,可以通过如氯胺酮和苯丙胺的药物再造出来。The feelings of bliss and euphoria, meanwhile, can be recreated with drugs such as ketamine and amphetamine.

我也想知道你使用安非他明的经历,你最近在公众面前说过。I also wanted to ask you about your experiences with amphetamine use, which you recently spoke about publicly.

影响安非他明和苯环的DNA结合活动的血清反应和对子对称要素。Effect of amphetamine and phencyclidine on DNA binding activities of serum response and dyad symmetry elements.

分析同时显示,英国也是欧洲海洛因和安非他明等毒品使用人数最多的国家。The drug abuse analysis also revealed the UK has the highest number of heroine and amphetamine consumers in Europe.

在一项对老鼠的研究中,青春期内服用安非他明会永久改变关乎记忆和决策的脑细胞。In one study with rats, adolescent amphetamine use permanently altered brain cells linked to memory and decision-making.

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但这次,启示和决心的感觉不断持续,我要写本自己的书,并且绝不再吃安非他明。But this time, the sense of revelation and resolution persisted and I wrote my own book and I never took another amphetamine again.

报告还指出,苯丙胺和甲基苯丙胺在巴西、委内瑞拉和阿根廷的消费势头也在不断攀升。The UNODC report also said that the consumption of amphetamine and meta-amphetamine has increased in Brazil, Venezuela and Argentina.

泰国警方在航行于中国云南省和泰国港口的这两船上发现超过920000粒的安非他明药片。Thailand's police found over 920,000 amphetamine tablets on board the boats, plying between China's Yunnan province and the Thai port.