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用珍珠条将槽尾空余处填充。Fill void with epe sheeting.

面板通过钣金加工成型。The faceplate is shaped through sheeting.

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我们可以稳定地供应坯布。We can guarantee regular supply of grey sheeting.

秧苗上面覆盖着塑料薄膜。The rice seedlings were covered with plastic sheeting.

用薄醋酸胶片在上墨的铅字版上压印而成的复制用稿样。An inked reproduction proof pulled from type on thin acetate sheeting.

预计这些材料可用于为112,000人搭建临时住所。The sheeting materials are expected to construct shelter for 112,000 people.

当板栅和具体的注入是完全的时候直井是地下避难室。When the sheeting and concrete injection was complete the shaft was dug out.

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你能够标示翅膀归结于包括中凸形和机翼的中心线护墙板。You can specify wing attributes including camber and centerline sheeting of an airfoil.

大片的新工厂沿着大道铺开,打着钢板或纺织品的广告。Brand-new factories cluster along the main road, advertising steel sheeting or textiles.

我方随函附上棉布衬衫衣料与被单料的样品片。We are pleased to send you herewith attached Sample-Cuttings of Cotton Shirting and Sheeting.

如果没有内部护板解决方案中的锌铁产品大量库存必须购买。Without an in-house sheeting solution a large inventory of sheeted products must be purchased.

现在,他们住在用树枝和塑料薄膜搭建的临时工棚里。Now they live in temporary "benders" – shelters made from branches covered with plastic sheeting.

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北太阳塑胶蓬布有限公司为于河北省廊坊市经济技术开发区。For the plastic sheeting in Langfang City, Hebei Province Economic and Technological Development Zone.

最常用的办法是采用不透明黑色塑料布或黑色棉布加工的遮光罩。The most commonly used method is to use opaque black plastic sheeting or black cotton processing Hood.

她用垃圾场里捡来的假花、花瓶、小地毯、塑料布和厚纸板布置她的家。She has furnished her home with fake flowers, vases, rugs, plastic sheeting and cardboard found on the tip.

具有更优秀的入射角,这也正是玻璃微珠的优势所在。This sheeting has excellent entrance angularity, which is typical of encapsulated lens glass bead sheeting.

一个典型的太阳能空气加热系统例子,是在朝南的墙上利用一个黑色,多孔铝薄膜。A typical solar air heating system uses a dark colored, perforated aluminum sheeting on a south-facing wall.

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你没看见潮水从四面八方迅疾地往上涨吗?刹那间就把浅滩变成一片汪洋,颜色像椰子壳。Do you see the tide flowing quickly in on all sides, sheeting the lows of sands quickly, shell cocoacoloured?

房间里,地板上是少许的混凝土,墙上布满了塑料板,还有几处是报纸。Inside, the floors are bare concrete and the walls are covered with plastic sheeting and, in places, newspaper.

硅凝胶薄膜可用于治疗和预防瘢痕疙瘩和增生性疤痕,是用来对愈合的皮肤。Silicon gel sheeting can be used to treat and prevent hypertrophic and keloid scars and is used on healing skin.