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向穆法沙的死亡场景致敬?An homage to the Mufasa death scene?

他们站立在她的墓的周围向她默哀。They stood in silent homage round her grave.

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总而言之,这就是值得钦佩的壮烈之美。This was, after all, the homage beauty was owed.

这或许是迄今为止业界对尼葛洛庞帝的最为直接的表达敬意吧。maybe the most obvious homage to Negroponte yet.

善伪,是恶向善所表示的敬意。Hypocrisy is the homage which vice pays to virtue.

我只能用强颜欢笑,来祭奠我不明的伤。I can only smile, to pay homage to my unknown injury.

禁欲乃是为了尊重欲望之庄严。Fasting is an act of homage to the majesty of appetite.

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想要向乐队致敬的“舞后”和“舞王”们得等一等了。Dancing queens—and kings—will have to wait to pay homage.

那位朋友留下这些画,来表达对画家的敬意The friend left these pictures as an homage to the painter.

这是一种很罕见的病,叫做百鸟朝凤,这是一种不治之症。This is a rare disease called Birds Pay Homage to the King.

人们也用万圣节盛装向迈克尔杰克逊致敬。People are using Halloween to pay homage to Michael Jackson.

省亲是归家探望父母的礼俗。Visting parents is an etiquette to pay filial homage to parents.

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他的公司命名苹果以向披头士乐队的唱片致敬。His firm was named in homage to the Beatles' record label, Apple.

聆听本片时,愉悦的音乐奇想将丰富你的心!Musical reveries abound when listening to this delightful homage.

他强迫所有的大臣每月一次参拜他的纪念碑!He forced all the ministers to pay homage to the monument monthly!

为了向他的原型中,那身经典的带有花纹的黑色战甲表示敬意,我将他的胸甲设计成铜绿色。The patina chest armor is a homage to his classic shinny black armor.

它圆滑厚实的外观是在向欧系小车的打算理念致敬。The exterior is round and solid in homage to European small-car design.

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另一位元代画家柯九思更是对一块奇石充满敬意。Another Yuan painter, Ko Chiu-ssu, paid homage to a strange looking rock.

皇家总统套房更让您感受万般尊崇、广夏千间的至尊体验。The Royal President's suite make you feel homage and sovereign experiences.

这是一种很罕见的病,叫做百鸟朝凤,这是一种不治之症。This is a rare disease called Birds Pay Homage to the King. It's incurable.