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以下就是故事的最后一幕。This is the final vignette of the story.

你们好,也许你们已经知道了,我已经为TV4的新偶像经历做好了音乐。As you may already know, I have done the music for TV4's new idol vignette.

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它可以添加一个小插曲的影响,或将照片背后的一个数字型口罩。It can add a vignette effect, or put the photo behind a number of shaped masks.

如果你记得,可能你还在1999年Vignette公司首次公开上市的时候买过他们的股票。If so, maybe you bought stock in Vignette when they did their IPO in February 1999.

创造惊人的肖像照片风格为您的家庭树,照片编辑器的晕影工具项目。Create stunning portrait-style photos for your family-tree project with Photo Editor's Vignette tool.

当流浪汉是受了小时候经历的影响,就是看到一个流浪汉从妈妈那儿得到了一块派。Being a hobo is produced in this little vignette by the experience of seeing a hobo get pie from your mother.

此外,游客们也被邀请到维特拉的肉类加工区的陈列室里为他们所喜爱的装饰作品投票。In addition, visitors to Vitra's Meatpacking District showroom were invited to vote for their favorite vignette.

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许多网络上的大型网站正在使用像Vignette和Autonomy这样专业的网络发布系统。Many of thelarger Web sites on the Web are using these specialized Web publishing systems, like Vignette and Autonomy.

你可能会想,这是一个非常标准的、有些搞笑的现代生活小插曲——人们被自己创造的科技搞得精疲力尽。This is, you might think, a pretty standard, vaguely comic vignette of modern life – man harassed by self-inflicted technology.

一个小插曲完美地总结了思路狭窄和软弱无能的欧洲已经成为经济衰退的结论。One small vignette perfectly summed up how small-minded and weak Europe has become as a result of its relative economic decline.

这里我们用一个与我们的方法截然不同的使用传统交互方法解释的临床片段来解释这个问题。A clinical vignette contrasting our approach with one using traditional transference interpretation may illustrate some of these issues.

在某些页面,软,细内衬黑色墨水小品旁边的大色组成坐在一起,进一步增加从文本图案的细节。On some pages, a soft, fine-lined black-ink vignette sits beside the larger colored composition, adding further pictorial detail from the text.

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结论WHS问卷在收集事实性数据方面具有很高的可靠性,但在情景问题方面的信度有待于提高。Conclusion WHS questionnaire shows a high dependability in collecting reality data, but is reliability need to be improved in vignette questions.

这类戏台的装饰图案全数以平面彩绘的方式制作,其造价便宜也易于搬运,且舞台效果并不输给传统戏台。The vignette of this kind of stage is made in plane coloured drawing, so it is cheap and easy to carry. Of course isn't inferior to the earlier one.

文章开头小病历中的患者,有住院前摄食差、严重体重减轻的病史,以及骨骼肌和脂肪消耗的证据。The patient in the vignette has a preadmission history of poor food intake, substantial weight loss, and evidence of skeletal-muscle and fat wasting.

针对R-C系统的特点,考虑轴外渐晕的影响,推导出主、次镜内遮光罩尺寸设计的约束公式。The constraint formulas for designing the geometries of primary baffle and secondary baffle are deduced when taking account of vignette of R-C system.

打开效果面板,点击缩略图,转换彩色照片成黑白照,带有经典的棕黑色色调,添加上晕化边缘,等等。Open the Effects pane and click a thumbnail image to convert color photos to black and white, give them a classic sepia tone, add a vignette border, and more.

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这个小插曲对于许多软件开发人员来说实在太熟悉不过了——甚至有点单调——但是从整个团队的角度看,其中发生了几件非常有趣的事情。This vignette is all too familiar to many software developers – even humdrum –but from the overall team perspective, there are several interesting things happening here.

介绍了作者在实际案例中的经验,包括分析师对病人移情的反应、分析师反移情的开放及病人对开放的反应。A clinical vignette was given, showing how the analyst responds to the patient's transference, discloses his countertransference and the patient's response to the revenlation of the analyst.