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他划独木舟很拿手。He can kayak very well.

一些勇敢的洛杉矶人甚至在河上滑行皮划艇。A few brave Angelenos even kayak on it.

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奥运会设有男子皮艇赛和女子皮艇赛。Olympics man kayak races and a woman kayak competition.

而人们是通过适当的方法来从别人那里学会怎么制作一个划子的。People learn the proper way to make a kayak from others.

皮划艇是由参赛选手坐在船里向前划动的。The kayak is propelled by kayakers in a sitting position.

如果您计划建立这一皮艇考虑建立一个模型。If you plan to build this kayak consider building a model.

这些新获取的用户数据对Kayak是否会有别的用途?Does Kayak do anything else with this new-found customer data?

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每一次在公众场合使用KPHONE,就可以得到10KAYAK美元。Every time you use the KPHONE in public, you get 10 KAYAK Dollars.

当你的皮船和木筏冲进湄公河时和急流的艰险战斗。Fight the rapids as you kayak and raft down the vast Mekong River.

双手搭上皮船或双人座的轻舟,可以坐下你和你的爱人。Get your hands on a kayak or canoe that fit 2, for you and your love.

Kayak最近发布了其广受欢迎的iPhone应用程序升级版本。Kayak recently launched an updated version of its popular iPhone app.

漂流所使用的舟艇有独木舟、皮船及橡皮艇。By the use of the boat drifting boats are canoe, kayak and inflatable.

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这是一个开放前支腿皮艇可以转换成轻松帐篷。This is an open top outrigger kayak that converts into a tent with ease.

Kayak一位发言人告诉BBC记者,到目前为止,他们并不担心。A spokesman for Kayak told BBC News that, for now, they were not concerned.

稳握方向,借风使船,穿越松江新城迷人的公园与蜿蜒的河道。Orienteer and Kayak your way through parks and canals of Songjiang New City.

我把小艇停泊在沿水而建的白色台阶附近的船坞。I park my kayak on a sandbar near white steps that rise from the water's edge.

Kayak表示“内部销售”的产品库存有限,会持续到我们售完为止。“Private Sales have limited inventory and run until we sell out, ” Kayak says.

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Kayak对IPO的估值是为了确定其员工股票期权的价值。Kayak estimated its valuation to determine the value of employee stock options.

我带着度假游艇到一公里外小岛的海湾上冲浪,然后我把划艇推到岸上。I took a resort kayak and paddled out into the bay to an island a mile offshore.

他们让其中一个人潜入水中然后剪坏楚克其族人的皮艇的底部。One of their men dived into the water and cut the bottom of the Chukchi's kayak.