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我们认为这是由于团队成员间的相互可观测性引起的。We argue that this is due to the partial mutual observability between the team members.

分析了感应电动机系统的能控性与能观测性。The controllability and observability of induction motor systems are analyzed in this paper.

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还提出了一种基于节点邻接矩阵的快速可观测性分析方法。In addition a speedy observability analysis method based on nodal adjacent matrix is put forward.

为了提高可满足性求解器的效率,提出了一种利用电路可观无关性的方法。To improve the efficiency of SAT solver, a new method using observability don't cares is presented.

研究线性切换系统的一致能控、能观和能达性。The uniform controllability, reachability and observability of linear switched control systems are investigated.

讨论非线性系统弱能控性与弱能观性计算机代数的分析方法。A computer algebra analysis method of weak controllability and weak observability for nonlinear systems is discussed.

定性地得出了载体的各种机动特性对捷联系统对准过程可观测性的影响结果。The influence of various maneuver of base on the observability of SINS alignment procedure is qualitatively obtained.

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在第五章,作者致力于研究一维非自治拟线性波动方程的局部精确能观性问题。Chapter 5 is devoted to the local exact boundary observability for one-dimensional nonautonomous quasilinear wave equations.

对捷联惯性系统动基座初始对准的可观测性和可观测度进行了全面的分析和研究。The observability and degree of observability of initial alignment of SIS on moving base are all-around analyzed and studied.

提出了一种新的基于降阶网络雅可比矩阵的电力系统状态估计可观测性分析方法。A new observability analysis algorithm for power system state estimation based on reduced network Jacobian matrix is proposed.

用循环不变子空间的性质研究了切换系统的能控性和能观测性。Controllability and observability of switching systems are studied by using the characteristics of recursive invariant subspace in this paper.

红外图像中的脉冲噪声影响温度测量及分析,同时影响红外图像的可观性。Impulse noise in infrared image may affect temperature measurement and analysis, and it also has effect on observability of the infrared image.

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可观察性是指测试系统观察IUT的输出、判断输入与输出对应关系的能力。Observability is the capability of the test system to observe the output of the IUT and to determine which input triggers the particular output.

通过可观测度比较,还提示了到达时间差和多卜勒观测在系统中具有的拟等价关系。The approximate equivalent relation in systems between time difference of arrival and Doppler is shown by comparing their observability degrees.

对多静止测向站系统的可观测性、定位方法进行了分析和研究。Observability requirements and localization methods for multiple stationary observers bearings-only localization system is discussed in this paper.

它通过数据划分技术,将一个大的系统裂解为多个子系统,这些子系统可以分别进行求解,每个子系统的可观测性单独进行分析。In DSE method a large system has been decomposed into tow or more subsystems, these subsystems can be solved and made observability analysis solely.

本文还将分段线性定常系统的PWCS理论应用于捷联惯导传递对准中,用SOM矩阵代替TOM矩阵进行可观测性分析。We apply PWCS theory to transfer alignment of SINS, and analyse its observability and degree of observability using SOM matrix instead of TOM matrix.

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基于故障电流叠加原理,构造了电压跌落状态估计可观性分析的数学模型,合理地解决了部分故障路段不可观的问题。Sag state estimation observability analysis is modeled and correlative modification method is proposed from the point of fault current superimposing firstly.

通过建立EPS系统动力学模型的状态方程,设计了一种对任意k个传感器失效的分析表。By forming the dynamic state space model of EPS system, a analysis table was built for the random K number sensors functional failure on the sense of observability.

现试图在系统的输出端并联一个常数阵,通过利用可观测性阵讨论它对可观测性性能的影响。Now we try to parallel connect a constant matrix in the output port. By using of observability matrix, we debate the influence it does on observability performance.