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中缝正中核SERT标记强度未见显著降低。Median raphe nucleus did not show the decreased SERT labeling.

目的探讨中缝背核至内耳的传出神经通路。Objective To investigate the efferent pathway from the dorsal raphe nucleus to the inner ear.

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中缝背核内有NOS阳性神经元向伏隔核投射。The projection of NOS positive neurons to nucleus accumbens can be found in dorsal raphe nucleus.

首次证明了大鼠中缝核群中SOM样神经元对咽肌前运动神经元的支配。This study provides the first evidence of raphe SOM innervation of the pharyngeal premotor neurons.

缰核是联系边缘前脑和低位脑干的枢纽。Habenula has been regarded as the major link between forebrain structures and midbrain raphe nuclei.

另外,背中缝核在9例中只有5例出现少量标记细胞。In addition, in 5 of the 9 cases, a few labeled neurons were observed in the nucleus raphe dorsalis.

用尼氏染色法,对树鼩脑干中缝核的细胞构筑进行了研究。The cytoarchitecture of the raphe nuclei of the brain stem in the tree shrew was studied with Nissl's method.

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本实验观察到鼠中缝正中核内存在含P物质样免疫反应神经元胞体。The present experiment showed that the SP-like immunoreactive perikarya is located in the median raphe nuclei of the rat.

结果与健康组比,PD人脑标本中缝背核、黑质以及纹状体的SERT标记信号呈不同程度降低。Results In comparison with healthy group, SERT decreased in dorsal raphe nucleus, substantia nigra and striatum in PD brains.

另外,在中缝大核、旁巨细胞外侧核及前庭神经核也观察到双标神经元。Double labeled neurons were also observed in the raphe nucleus, the lateral paragigantocellular nucleus, and the vestibular nucleus.

羟色胺神经元产生于中缝核,该核靠近大脑基底部。这种神经元带有像线一样伸展很长的轴突,达至很远的区域。Serotonin neurons originate in the raphe nucleus, near the base of the brain and, with long, threadlike extensions known as axons reach more distant regions.

设想海马的活动可改变缰核—中缝大核系统的兴奋性从而调制着痛觉冲动的传递。The hippocampus can change the activity of lateral habenular nucleus-nucleus raphe magnus system, by which the transmission of pain impulses can be controlled.

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并推测脑干中缝核群中的5-HT能神经元对咽肌运动的调控可能经由5HT3和5HT1A两种受体介导。It is also suggested that this control of pharyngeal movement from the 5 HT neurons in the raphe nuclei is mediated by two subtypes of 5 HT receptor, 5HT3 and 5HT1A.

额皮质V层、中脑网状结构和中缝背核内见到胞核深染、胞浆浅染的FLI神经元胞体。The dark cell nucleus and light cell cytoplasm of FLI cell body were examined in frontal cortex V, mesencephalic reticular formation and dorsal raphe nucleus in BD rat.

目的探讨松果体、中枢核团视交叉上核和中缝背核与外周淋巴细胞之间昼夜节律的联系和传递关系。Objective To explore the transductive relationship between pineal, central nuclei of suprachiasmatic nucleus and dorsal raphe , and peripheral lymphocyte in terms of circadian rhythm.

提示一氧化氮合成抑制所致的睡眠抑制可能与中缝背核5-HT神经元免疫阳性反应增强有关。The results indicate that the sleep- suppressive effects induced by inhibition of nitric oxide synthase may be mediated via the activition of 5-HT neurons in the dorsal raphe nucleus.

神经逆向追踪结果证实移植细胞后可帮助上脊髓神经核包括红核、蓝斑核、缝核、前庭核及网状结构内的神经元再生。Retrograde tracing revealed that regenerated axons originated from brain stem nuclei, including red nucleus, locus coeruleus, raphe nucleus, vestibular nucleus, and reticular formation.

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圆背书上壳前要在自制的圆背工具上对中缝预热成型,方便其与书背吻合,并使书背与书封壳中间吻合一致。Before the round endorsement on the shell to home-made round back on to the nucleus Raphe Magnus, facilitate its warm up and back, and make the back and middle neurorrhaphy book sealed shell.

英版西装基本轮廓也是倒梯形,两侧或背后中缝还有叫做骑马衩的开衩设计,这实际上和英国人的马术运动有关。English version suits the basic outline is also inverted trapezoid, or on both sides there is called riding Cha SLIT Raphe nucleus behind design, this fact and the British equestrian sports related.