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我支持你。I'll bolster you up.

为什么不鼓励这种小生意呢?Why not bolster that small-business spirit?

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床头上有一个长枕垫。There is a bolster across the head of the bed.

跟随热情,同时,以纪律作为支撑。Follow your passion but bolster it with discipline.

有一件事曾那样震撼、温暖着她的心。An incident did happen to bolster up and warm her heart.

需要更多的木材支撑矿顶。More timbers are needed to bolster the roof of the mine.

我们会发现一处自在的本地风光,没有一个我在防卫或也不需任何依靠。We find a place of freedom with no self to defend or bolster.

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巴林和伊朗会谈,巩固两国能源上的合作关系。Bahrain and Iran met to bolster relations in the energy sector.

支持多哈谈判的第二个理由,是要支持世贸组织本身。The second reason to support Doha is to bolster the WTO itself.

二人都可以拿出一堆数据来支持自己的观点。Each of them can marshall a slew of data to bolster his viewpoint.

Gell能提供什么证据来支持他的这个荒诞的假设呢?What evidence does Gell offer up to bolster his outré supposition?

提高额外税收失败了,它阻碍了努力维护的稳定。A failure to raise extra taxes hobbles efforts to bolster security.

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温格将增添德尼尔森到他的中场阵容中。Arsène Wenger will bolster his midfield by adding Denilson to his squad.

中国人则想用这些关系来支撑自己的电影产业。The Chinese want those relationships to bolster their own movie industry.

Faselt说“Rohde正常的体重是55公斤,这个体重刚好有助于她参加的项目。Her normal weight is 55 kg, it's what I call the little feel-good bolster.

第三,大力促进国际交流合作。Third, we should endeavor to bolster international exchanges and cooperation.

他说,各国中央银行都准备好以更进一步的行动,来振兴经济。He said central banks are ready to take further actions to bolster the economy.

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没有新鲜空气或温暖阳光加强它们自然的抵抗力。There is no fresh air or sunlight to bolster their natural powers of resistance.

集成的门基板和骨盆提供了加强在汽车的使用。An integrated door substrate and pelvic bolster is provided for use in a vehicle.

同时延续对中产阶级的减税也将支撑我们经济的增长。And it must bolster economic growth by preserving tax cuts for our middle class.