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这些都可以解释为一种精神的返祖现象。They are explainable as a species of mental atavism.

事实上,最近发生的一件事表明,原因其实很简单。Well, the reason in a recent case is actually quite explainable.

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如果有必要使用意见分歧备忘录,那么就写下来。If it's an explainable variance memo that's needed, then write one.

保守派则把这些前后矛盾之处要么视为无关紧要,要么看作可以讲得通。Conservatives treat such discrepancies as either insignificant or readily explainable.

而迈阿密女性占大量比例则可以解释为女性生命更长所造成的。Miami’s larger proportion of women is probably explainable by women’s greater life expectancy.

1993年后,持久收入和暂时收入对居民消费行为的影响具有较强的解释力。After 1993, the influence of permanent and transitory income on consumption behavior is strongly explainable.

在这点上他的语言似乎对于所解释的对象是解说性的。His language at such points generally seems to be explainable primarily in terms of his expository objectives.

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如果稽核人员的意见在特定的情况下要能够被信任,那麽该意见一定要能被合理地解释、追踪与测试。For audit opinions to be believable in specific contexts they must be logically explainable and retraceable and testable.

如果是真的,那么该信号可能是太阳上的氢与月壤内的氧原子结合后形成。If true, the signal might be explainable by hydrogen flowing out from the Sun and interacting with oxygen in the lunar soil.

不能用简单的粘性来解释一种明显的特征是泥石流的钝形终端,或陡的外缘。A striking feature not explainable in terms of simple viscus behavior is the characteristically blunt terminations or steep outer margins of debris flow.

文章需进一步研究的问题是如何构建一个更加综合,解释更为有利的交换权利分析框架以及更精确的交换权利指标。What this paper has to study further is to establish a more comprehensive and explainable framework on Exchange entitlement with more specific exchange standard.

所有周期都有几个共同的部分,而且有始有终,它们有些特征会在先后周期中反复出现,而且往往都有一个可解释的原因。All cycles have several components in common. Cycles have a start and an end, they have characteristics that repeat from cycle to cycle, and they often have an explainable cause.

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在入侵检测模型生成研究中,检测模型不仅应该具有高的检测率,而且也应该是易于理解的,但是现存的很多方法很难同时达到这两个目标。In the research of detection model generation, it is desirable that the detection model be explainable and have high detection rate, but the existing methods cannot achieve these two goals.

前百分之一的收入增长大部分是由于某些薪酬的增长带来的,比如资产经理和首席官的工资,与股票价格密切相关。Much of the rise in the income share of the top one per cent is explainable by a tendency for some wages, such as those of asset managers and chief executives, to track stock prices closely.