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我在脸谱上加你为好友。I friended you on facebook.

从S加我为好友开始,算来已经一年过去了。A year had passed since S had friended me.

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海伦是好莱坞银屏的新人,她刚刚和卡门交上朋友。Helen is a novice to the Hollywood scene and has just be friended Carmen.

他谈到,对于更多有意义的信息,很多人都设置了访问权限,仅限于已加为“好友”的人。Many people, he said, limit access to more telling details to those they have "friended."

这意味着只有你已经加为好友的人才能在Facebook上找到你。That means only the people who you've already friended can find you in a Facebook search.

虽然那是一项和方面的功能,你或许不希望你加入的所有好友都看到这一信息。While that's a handy feature, you may not want everyone you friended to have this information.

当一个用户刚加入到一个新的社会化网络中的时候,他们只是希望和那些在现实中认识的人成为好友。When social networks first started, most people only friended other people they knew in real life.

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目前,美国银行高盛和俄罗斯公司数字天空技术已经friended注册。Now, the American bank Goldman Sachs and the Russian company Digital Sky Technologies have friended Facebook.

多亏了互联网,我肯定已经有许多美国游民将中国游民加入到了他们的好友名单里。I'm sure many gamers in the U. S has friended a Chinese gamer to their friends list thanks to Internet capability.

与此同时,在社交网络上,他加了一些他认为是“匿名”组织高级成员的人为“好友”。At the same time, on social networks, he "friended" people thought to be senior members of the Anonymous collective.

自一个月前佐伊在她花园的台阶上发现了这个可怜的孩子的那天起,这个几乎是流浪儿的孩子就一直受到她友好的照顾。The almost-waif had been be friended by Zoe from the day she had found the forlorn child sitting on her garden step a month earlier.

詹妮和她最般配的人通过一段信,那人在英格兰,而詹妮在"脸谱"上把他加为好友后,他就不再给詹妮回信了。She struck up a correspondence with her No. 1, a man in England, who eventually, after she friended him on Facebook, stopped writing her back.

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与此同时,与艾拉很合得来的小老鼠们从继母那里偷来了房门钥匙,帮助艾拉打开了门锁。Meanwhile, the mice that Ella had be- friended raced to get the key from the stepmother. They carried the key for Ella up to the room and unlocked her.

当任何加了它们为好友的人在他们书中的位置或者附近签到,他们就会看到一条弹出提示,告诉他们有书券可用。When anyone who has friended them on foursquare checks in at or near a location that’s in the book they’ll see a pop-up tip reminding them to check the book for coupons.

对那些忠实的用户来说,默认的即时消息流有些难以控制,为此Friendfeed推出了“我的讨论”。For most hardcore FriendFeed users who have friended a lot of other users, the default real-time stream is almost unmanageable, but the FriendFeed team has smartly added the 'My discussions' section.