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他是个棉花种植场主。He is a cotton planter.

杰拉尔德要当一个地主。Gerald wanted to be a planter.

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装有阔叶植物的模组式花盆。Modular planter with large-leafed plants.

他也因是肯雅种植园主而闻名。He also distinguished himself as a planter in kenya.

老师,是美的耕耘者,美的播种者。Teacher is the planter and cultivator of the beauty.

这两种植物种都含有柠橄油精。These two planter species include the lemon olive olein.

我在与一些罗勒和一些金盏花种植它们。I put them in a planter with some basil and a few marigolds.

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我敢打赌,这个纤维水泥制品种植机注定是来稳定你的花园的。I bet this fiber cement planter is destined to rule your garden.

华盛顿生于1732年2月22日,出身于种植园主家庭。Washington was born February 22, 1732, came from planter families.

该播种机能播种多种作物种籽,还可播施肥料。The practical planter can seed various crop seeds and can fertilize.

若是种得好,有谁知道种树人的辛苦?If the tree lives, who really knows the efforts put in by the planter?

本实用新型涉及一种谷物施肥穴播机。The utility model relates to a hill planter for fertilizing the grain.

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为免耕播种机合理设计提供了参考。It provides references for reasonable design of the no-tillage planter.

研究设计了一种2BQMF-5型气吸式施肥免耕播种机。A new 2BQMF-5 type of suction and fertilizer no-till planter was designed.

实际上,杰斐逊·戴维斯,是棉花种植者暴富的典型例子Jefferson Davis is, in fact, a classic example of the cotton boom planter.

建造属于你自己的圣诞树墩儿来培养并装饰你的圣诞树。Build your own Festive Tree Planter to grow and decorate a Winter's Feast Tree.

这把椅子长在一个可滑动的花槽里,每只“脚”长出一株柳树。The chair resides on a rolling planter with willow trees growing from each leg.

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施肥装置是播种机重要工作部件之一。The fertilizer sowing mechanism is one of important seed planter working parts.

但若是种死了,还会被骂无能,连一颗树也种不活!However, if the tree dies, the planter may be called too dumb to keep a tree alive!

目的检测参与踝关节背屈和跖屈运动的脑区。ObjectiveTo measure cortical areas involved ankle dorsiflexion and planter flexion.