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再添置一套发烧级的音响。And then purchase a set of audio enthusiast.

另一方面是发烧级游戏机。The other is an enthusiast class gaming machine.

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我的名字是阿尼尔,旅行者和旅游爱好者。My name is Anil , a traveler and travel enthusiast.

对于茶叶爱好者来说,黄茶是不可替代的。It is a truly remarkable tea for the tea enthusiast.

大家好,我叫王磊,我是一个体育爱好者。Hello, my name is Wang Lei, I is a sports enthusiast.

一个战士装扮的“黑斯廷斯战役”迷假装战死。An enthusiast dressed as a warrior pretends to be slain.

在这些事情上,奥林匹阿斯是个内行,是个热衷的人。In these matters olympias was an expert and an enthusiast.

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在读到这些的时候,你可能正是一个初露头角的葡萄酒爱好者。If you're reading this, you are probably a budding wine enthusiast.

他自己就是个文学迷,也爱唤起他人对文学的爱慕。He was an enthusiast himself and loved to evoke enthusiasm in others.

该旅行者珍稀版画是一个必须有任何收藏家或爱好者。The Wayfarer Rare Prints is a must have for any collector or enthusiast.

功能出众,轻便的训练鞋为健身爱好者。Features a superior, lightweight training shoe for the fitness enthusiast.

众所周知普廷热爱柔道,而麦维德夫则曾说过他享受做瑜珈。Putin is known as a judo enthusiast while Medvedev has said he enjoys yoga.

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当您选择登山车时,它是一个好想法学会更多关于连动系统。There's a lot of terminology to learn if you're a mountain biking enthusiast.

但是这对于热衷烹饪的企业家克里斯·金伯尔来说无关紧要。But that doesn't matter to entrepreneur and culinary enthusiast Chris Kimball.

身为警察同时也是历史爱好者的奈杰尔.阿莫斯扮演威廉公爵。Policeman and historical enthusiast Nigel Amos played the part of Duke William.

在这样一个中国通眼里,现在的中国和他所熟悉的那些城市是什么样的?How does an "enthusiast" like Mr. Malik look at today's China and Chinese cities?

非常适宜搭配红肉,禽类,沙锅菜及乳酪。Pairs well with red meats, poultry, terrines and cheese. Wine Enthusiast – 88 points.

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谭硕欣,生于1984年,北京人。2005年开始尝试电子音乐创作。Tan Shuoxin, born in 1984, Beijinger, has been a electronic music enthusiast since 2005.

一天接一天地跑,最终,甚至能击毁最铁杆的跑步爱好者。Running day after day will eventually burn out even the most hard-core running enthusiast.

菲茨莫里斯是一个热忱的天主教徒,他把爱尔兰的事业主要地变作一种宗教性事业。Fitzmaurice was Catholic enthusiast and made the Irish cause predominantly a religious one.