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偷税漏税也是一种犯罪。Tax evasion is also a crime.

逃避非善法,面对是修行。Evasion is not a good method.

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法律规避是一种违法行为。Law evasion is an illegal act.

马术属于躲避式异能。Horsemanship is an evasion ability.

这名参议员因逃避缴纳所得税而受到指责。The senate was censured for income tax evasion.

野火鸡是巧于伪装,敏于逃遁的大师。Wild Turkeys are masters of camouflage and evasion.

它的哲学是一种对实际的浮夸遁辞。Its philosophy was a pompous evasion of real things.

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这两个店东因逃税而坐牢。These two shopkeepers are in prison for tax evasion.

这两个店主因逃税而坐牢。These two shopkeepers are in prison for tax evasion.

第三章探讨了我国法律规避发生的原因。Chapter Three analyzes the reason of the evasion of law.

他回答我的问题时顾左右而言他。His answer to my question is nothing but clever evasion.

政府已修订逃漏税的罚则。The government has revised the penalties for tax evasion.

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如果他们是商人,人们就会告他们逃税。If they are businessmen, people accuse them of tax evasion.

法律规避在国际私法居于重要地位。Evasion of law is very important in private international law.

也许中国还将考虑打击偷税漏税的行为。Perhaps China will also consider cracking down on tax evasion.

面对这些风险,有一种典型的回避方式叫怀疑主义。And at the face of these risks there's a characteristic evasion.

面对这些风险,有一种典型的回避方式。And in the face of these risks, there is a characteristic evasion.

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内马尔还被有关逃税的指控缠身。Neymar has also been dogged by allegations related to tax evasion.

增强执法力度,严厉打击偷漏税行为。Enhancing the law enforcement efforts to crack down on tax evasion.

穆斯林活动人士之子被以偷漏税被判刑。Muslim Activist's Son Sentenced to Prison in China for Tax Evasion.