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它神奇地出现在我。It magically reappeared for me as well.

时间魔法般地悬浮在表内。Time Floats magically inside this wathch.

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它不可能魔术般地改进您的程序。It will not magically improve your programs.

然后…有内涵的文章就是这样炼成哒!Later, the article will magically write itself.

你可以看到所有的汗毛都快速神奇的消失了~!You will see all the hair magically disappeared!

巧得很,这对夫妇正好站起身,拥抱在一起。And just magically this couple stood up and hugged.

行星的路线影响了太阳耀斑活动。This magically kick-starts the sun's flare activity.

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但三年后,它却神奇地重新出现在了大连。Three years later, it magically reappeared at Dalian.

那印着极光的天空,变幻着,跳动着一抹抹鲜艳的色彩,也如魔法一般神奇。Skies that magically pulse with washes of vibrant color.

谈恋爱也不会像变魔术般把你的问题都解决或者覆盖掉。A relationship will not magically solve or cover up your problems.

然后,这个控件将魔术般地出现在窗体上,供用户使用。The control will then magically appear on your form, ready for use.

如果你有眼袋,你会吃惊的发现这个姿势还有消平眼袋的作用。Eye bags if you have them are some how magically soothing in this pose.

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这台自动售货机并没有传奇般的让我想成为一个企业家。The vending machine didn’t magically make me want to be an entrepreneur.

比如,恐怖巨魔可能是被炼金术或魔法转变而成的。For example, dire trolls might have been altered alchemically or magically.

真实生活的惰性在赛博空间无摩擦的冲浪中神奇地消失了。Real-life inertia magically disappears in the frictionless surfing of cyberspace.

本·伯南克所说的“绿芽”一夜之间神奇的变成了“热带雨林”?Have Ben Bernanke's green shoots magically turned into tropical forests overnight?

是否说出了决心它就会神奇的带来你追求的转变?Does the utterance of affirmations themselves magically cause the changes you seek?

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我的意思是,仔细想想,我们睡觉,我们醒来,我们魔法般地感受到了精神的恢复,是吗?I mean, think about it, we sleep, we wake up, and we magically feel refreshed, right?

G20峰会不能神奇地化解这些紧张关系,但它有助于其缓解。The G20 meeting will not magically resolve these tensions. But it can help manage them.

彼得·潘是一个不愿意长大且永远长不大的孩子。Peter Pan is the story of a mischievous boy who can fly and magically refuses to grow up.