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有眼力的人。A man of vision.

但这是一个全新的景象。But it is a fresh vision.

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他从断头台上下来时,他的目光里有种东西使众人肃然退立。The scaffold is a vision.

为什么有这样的愿景?Why you have this vision.

怎样可以保护视力?。How can you protect vision?

这是我们的项目远景。That is our vision for XIV.

使用你的外围视觉。Use your peripheral vision.

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这隐约闪烁的幻影飞掠而出。The gleaming vision flits on.

这位老人视力不好。The old man's vision is poor.

这个餐厅是他的构想。The restaurant is his vision.

一片云从我的眼前飘过去。A cloud swam across my vision.

这就是先见之明的事。That is the true vision thing.

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雾使我的视界模糊。Avision mist blurred my vision.

但我们没有X光。But we don't have X-ray vision.

精练地阐明你的见解。Refine and clarify your vision.

异象出现了三次。The vision happens three times.

我们的构想是一个不用现金的非洲。Our vision is a cashless Africa.

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相信远见和玩耍。Believe in vision and playmaking.

白内障会影响你的视力。Cataracts can affect your vision.

失明?像水晶一样洁净!Loss of vision? Clear as crystal!