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斯瓦特的塔利班头目之一法兹鲁拉仍然在逃。The top leader of the militants in Swat, Maulana Fazlullah, is still at large.

对此,巴政府强烈谴责那些亲塔利班精神领袖法兹鲁拉的武装分子。Pakistani military blamed the violence on followers of pro-Taliban cleric Maulana Fazlullah.

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预计这一地区的塔利班领导人法兹鲁拉将很快宣布停火的条件。Swat Taliban leader Maulana Fazlullah is expected to soon announce the terms of the cease-fire.

伊斯兰神学者学会领袖拉赫曼说,他坚信各派能化解他们之间的分歧。Jamiat Ulema e Islam leader Maulana Fazlur Reham said he was confident the partners could work through the differences.

政府发表声明说道,该次军事行动一共打死103人,其中包括清真寺领导拉阿卜杜。阿齐兹。嘎兹。The government said the operation has killed 103 people including Red Mosque deputy leader Maulana Abdul Rasheed Ghazi.

没想到,他从以霆面对芯语时「不太寻常」的举止中发现,「大毛」似乎也对芯语有感觉?!Unexpectedly, he found from the core language of "ting face unusual" manners ", " Maulana also seems to feel the core language?

学生要求当局释放被关押的该清真寺领导人毛拉阿卜杜。阿齐兹。嘎兹。很快这个要求被政府拒绝。The students demanded authorities to release mosque leader Maulana Abdul Aziz Ghazi, a request swiftly rejected by the government.

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宽扎节由活动人士和学者莫拉纳.卡伦加创立于民权和黑人自由运动处于高潮的1966年。Kwanzaa was established in 1966, during the height of the Civil Rights and Black Freedom movements, by activist and scholar Maulana Karenga.

宽扎文明节诞生于19年,其时,毛拉。卡格博士建立了一个新的节以便美国黑能够祝贺他们的历史和文明。Kwanzaa was born in 19, when Dr Maulana Karenga created a new festival so that African -Americans would be able to celebrate their history and culture.

宽扎文化节诞生于1966年,当时,毛拉。卡伦格博士创建了一个新的节日以便美国黑人能够庆祝他们的历史和文化。Kwanzaa was born in 1966, when Dr Maulana Karenga created a new festival so that African -Americans would be able to celebrate their history and culture.