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虽然喜欢肉,但他不能吃太多,判断题。Zoom can eat a lot of beef.

变焦环转动或推拉不畅顺…Prime lens has no zoom ring.

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现在,它是最远的。Now, it is the farthest zoom.

等一等,祖恩。把你的课本收拾好。Wait, Zoom. Put away your books.

我要拉近镜头来个特写。I'm going to zoom in for a close-up.

熊有两只大眼睛和一个大鼻子。Zoom has two big eyes and a big nose.

可以在流程上进行缩小和放大。You can zoom in and out on the process.

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我们放大点来看。And if we zoom in, notice what's happening.

在世界地图画面中可缩放地图。On the world map, scroll to zoom in and out.

选择缩放区域。右键单击可缩小。Select zooming area. Right-click to zoom out.

改变图案尺寸缩放率选择察看\缩放。Change the Zoom Factor by selecting View\Zoom.

中国的高铁时速迅速串升到每小时394公里的水平。The CRH can zoom at speeds of 394 km per hour.

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它们提供变焦镜头不能达到的清晰度。They offer sharpness that zoom lenses cannot touch.

耐克公司在鞋跟响应缓冲放大单元。Nike Zoom unit in the heel for responsive cushioning.

我们来放大它的等高线图。So, the contour plot, well, let me actually zoom out.

“在两个方向上均缩小”选项。Zoom Out Both option in the pop-up menu on the graph.

它提供了一个便于精确抓图的缩放选项窗口。It provides an optional zoom window for precise shots.

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所有的变焦,聚焦和镜头移动调整手册。All zoom , focus, and lens shift adjustments are manual.

跳上摇摆车,准备滑行、快速移动和巡游!Hop on the Swing Car and prepare to zip, zoom & cruise !

最后给出了两个变倍目镜设计实例。The two zoom eyepieces are given as an example of design.