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但,我认为仍旧有一些反应事实的东西存在。But I think there remains some truthfulness.

他对党非常忠诚,而且他会永远忠诚。The virtues of loyalty, courage, and truthfulness.

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真实是报告文学的一个长谈不衰的话题。Truthfulness is the everlasting topic on reportages.

诚实需要勇气和技巧。Truthfulness requires courage and, ideally, skillfulness.

她有许多美德,其中有忠诚,英勇和老实。Among her many virtues are loyalty, courage and truthfulness.

克诺斯先生认为真理才是最好的原则。Mr. Connors believes that truthfulness is the best principle.

诚实是一切个人优秀品质的根基。Truthfulness is at the foundation of all personal excellence.

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电影动人心弦的感染力在于它的真实性。The heart-stirring power of the film lies in its truthfulness.

广告的真实性是广告法的基本原则。Truthfulness of ads is the basic principle of advertisement law.

我已仔细看过这份报告,我可以保证它的真实性。I've read this report carefully and I can vouch for its truthfulness.

我对他发言的真实性提出一连串质问。I fired a hundred questions concerning the truthfulness of his statement.

确认广告内容真实性的其他证明文件。Other documents certifying the truthfulness of the contents of the advertisements.

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洛克知识论贯穿知识确实性主线。Locke's theory of knowledge runs through the thread of the truthfulness of knowledge.

如果你总是诚以待人,即便会伤害到对方,你的客户也永远不会怀疑你的真诚。If you’re always truthful when it hurts, your client will never doubt your truthfulness.

坚守诚实的人,安拉会在卷册中记录为诚实者。A man continues to maintain truthfulness until he is recorded in Allah's book as truthful.

他们任何声明都是可信度为零,真实记录为零。They have zero credibility, a zero track record on truthfulness on any of their pronouncements.

尚真写实是张岱文学创作的总体特征。Advocating truthfulness and realism in writing is the overall characteristic of Zhang Dai's literary works.

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事件的可靠性以及完整性尤其是在描述部分就通常被仔细考虑过。The truthfulness and completeness especially of descriptions of events must always be carefully considered.

1976年的竞选中,吉米·卡特将品德问题放到首要位置,并保证做到完全坦率。In the 1976 campaign, Jimmy Carter put the question of character front and center, pledging complete truthfulness.

所谓历史认识的真理性是对客观历史规律的正确反映。The truthfulness of the so-called history cognition is the correct reflection of the law of the objective history.