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边材为粉红色,心材为粉红褐色。The sapwood is pinkish and the heartwood pinkish-brown.

重硬且心材呈浓色者可供作木艺品制造用。Heavy wood with dark colored heartwood used for ornaments.

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边材含有木质导管,但不如中心木质那样坚硬。Sapwood contains xylem vessels, but not as strong as heartwood.

边材上染率明显高于心材。Up-take of sapwood was obviously higher than that of heartwood.

雪松心也是一个很好的选择,少一点成本。Cedar heartwood is also an excellent choice, at a bit less cost.

用威尔士当地赤心橡木制的图书馆的接待台。The library has a locally sourced Welsh Heartwood reception desk.

其心材可生产一种红色的颜料,种子可用来榨油。The heartwood yields a red dye. Seed can be used for oil extraction.

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黑色心材上有错落的红棕色条纹或大理石纹理。The black heartwood has uneven red- brown stripes or a marbled effect.

怎样描述最后的心材环的日期范围。What can be said about the range of dates of the last heartwood rings?

边材色泽较浅,是从树皮到新材之间的木质部分。Sapwood is the lighter colored wood growing from inside the bark to the heartwood.

心材通常是成熟的木材部分,通常色泽较暗,范围从边材一直到髓心。Heartwood is the mature wood, which is often darker, extending from the sapwood to the pith.

每个生长周期都有一或多层活的边材细胞转变成心材。One or more layers of living and functional sapwood cells are periodically converted to heartwood.

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每个生长周期都有一或多层活的边材细胞转变成心材。皮层细胞开始分裂。One or more layers of living and functional sapwood cells are periodically converted to heartwood.

在耐腐树种中,其耐腐力从心材的外缘到髓芯逐渐降低。In the durable species, decay resistance decreases incessantly from the outer heartwood to the pith.

粗糙红木或建筑系心材是修建隔离墙的优先选择。Rough redwood or construction grade heartwood lumber are the preferred choices for wall construction.

本土树种的心材提取物相对持久力的减少的可能原因是复杂的。Possible reasons for the reduced relative durability of extracts visa vis native heartwood were advanced.

气干材和溶剂置换材的边材渗透性均大于对应的心材渗透性。The permeability of sapwood of both air dried and the solvent exchange dried specimens were bigger than the heartwood.

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大多数树种的边材要比含有教高抽提物含量的心材更易受真菌的侵害。The sapwood of most species is more susceptible to fungal attack than the heartwood with its higher extractive content.

核桃木获评定为心材抗腐蚀能力极强的木材,即使处于容易腐蚀的环境,亦是一种最耐用的木材。Rated as very resistant to heartwood decay, it is one of the most durable woods even under conditions favourable to decay.

心材部位渗透性差的主要原因是由于管孔内含有大量侵填体及导管间纹孔呈附物型的缘故。The small permeability in heartwood mainly was due to there were large tylosis in the vessels and vestured pit between the vessels.