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还是资源共享?Is it resource sharing?

人力资源验核。Human Resource Auditing.

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选择最佳的资源。Chooses the best resource.

生命是一种稀有资源。Life is a scarce resource.

请访问读书俱乐部资源网。Visit Book Clubs Resource.

煤炭是不能再生资源。Coal is an unregenerate resource.

IRQ线是有限的资源。IRQ lines are a limited resource.

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塔罗是一种获得讯息的资源。Tarot is an information resource.

大的那份是磁铁矿。The larger resource is magnetite.

面向非文本资源的开发。For non-text resource development.

它能简化资源分配。It simplifies resource allocation.

根据资源利用率进行收费Resource utilization for chargeback

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指定每个资源上的方法。Specify the methods on each resource.

EFF是这方面一个好资源。The EFF is a great resource for this.

侍旧送是金钱,一种可以挥霍的资本。Time is money, a disposable resource.

资源能力的高估。Over-estimation of resource competence.

在资源发掘中采取行动。Take action on your resource inventory.

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接着对该第一资源解除分配。The first resource is then deallocated.

而时间是您最为宝贵的资源。And time is your most valuable resource.

找不到可写的通讯录资源。No writeable addressbook resource found.