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乳糖产生葡萄糖和半乳糖。Lactose gives glucose and galactose.

葡萄糖正一滴一滴地输入病人体内。Glucose was dripping into the patient.

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将果泥、转化糖浆和葡萄糖混合加热。Heat the puree, trimoline and glucose.

这些分子叫做葡萄糖转运载体Those are called glucose transporters.

角膜代谢状态良好。Corneas showed good glucose metabolism.

这就导致了血糖水平的降低So, that brings your glucose level down.

是低级语言与高级语言的一种密切结合。An abnormally low level of glucose in the blood.

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医生把葡萄糖注射入病人的静脉。The doctor injects glucose into the patient's vein.

双糖的糖苷配基是一个单糖单元的苷。A glycoside, the sugar component of which is glucose.

碳水化合物为动物提供葡萄糖凝固剂。Carbohydrates typically provide animals a glucose fix.

胰岛素必须出现,葡萄糖才能够进入细胞。For glucose to get into cells, insulin must be present.

一个糖尿病患者的血糖水平倾向于升的很高。A diabetic's blood glucose levels tend to rise too high.

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葡萄糖监测是一种微量渗析技术。Glucose monitoring is a kind of microdialysis technique.

观察患者血糖达标情况及护理巡诊管理的效果。Levels of blood glucose and nursing effect were observed.

脓毒症患者血糖的变异性和致命性。Glucose variability and mortality in patients with sepsis.

蔗糖、葡葡糖和盐等添加剂对色素无影响。Sucrose, glucose and salt had no effect on its properties.

那么这些细胞是如何增强血糖摄取能力的Well, how does glucose uptake get enhanced in those cells?

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植物可以用阳光将水和空气转换成葡萄糖。Plants use sunlight to turn water and the gas into glucose.

HbA1c可以替代葡萄糖作为糖尿病的诊断检测吗?Can HbA1c Replace Glucose as a Diagnostic Test for Diabetes?

葡萄糖通常是发酵的碳源。Glucose is usually used as a carbon source for fermentation.