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这也说明了他的狡猾。It also accounts for his mendacity and dishonesty.

他现在能担得起一条欺君之罪么?Can he can bear duty the offense of a mendacity marquis now?

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衡量个人智力降低、财务虚报情况加剧的标准。A measure of diminished intellectual capacity and increased financial mendacity.

所以,狗或许能够嗅出炸弹,却嗅不出谎言。So dogs may be able to sniff out bombs. But they can’t pick up the smell of mendacity.

第二十三条,我们要求制定法律禁止蓄意的政治谣言及其在出版上的散播。We demand legal warfare on deliberate political mendacity and its dissemination in the press.

我们不要再欺骗自己了,所谓体育精神言论纯粹是遮人眼目的谎言。Let's not deceive ourselves. It is purely mendacity that what is called 'sporting spirit issue'.

虽然大部分的关注和谎言无关,评论员们和撒谎者们对于谎言“热爱”还是非常显著。The fixation of commentators and practitioners with them is telling, though not mainly about mendacity.

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失业人数迅速膨胀,及就业竞争加剧,说谎的动机在。It was that the incentive for mendacity is growing, as unemployment balloons and competition for jobs rises.

据称可以证明戈尔虚伪的都不过是微不足道的小事,没有一件谈得上重要,其中一些根本为不实之辞。Mr. Gore's mendacity was supposedly demonstrated by trivial anecdotes, none significant, some of them simply false.

但如果仅因为撒了谎就引咎辞职,那么国会大厅也就剩不了几个人了。But if mendacity alone were grounds for resignation, the halls of Capitol Hill would be eerily, and permanently, quiet.

就这个无耻的谎言﹐变成了当今许多总统和总理的口头禅﹐成为不要求停火的借口﹐他们的手上都沾满了昨夜大屠杀的鲜血。And every president and prime minister who repeated this mendacity as an excuse to avoid a ceasefire has the blood of last night's butchery on their hands.

然而,政治总是时不时的被谎言所统治,正如这次发生的那样,虽然大部分的关注和谎言无关,评论员们和撒谎者们对于谎言“热爱”还是非常显著。Yet, periodically, politics is dominated by lies. This seems to be one such time. The fixation of commentators and practitioners with them is telling, though not mainly about mendacity.

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或如果我将他们,稍微错置于其它时间,他们是上层中产阶级的两名儿子,他们觉得,因为虚伪和伪善而降尊了,因那充斥着他们周围所见的世界。Or if I can put the case for them slightly anachronistically, these are two sons of the upper bourgeois who feel degraded by the mendacity and hypocrisy of the world they see around them.

或如果我将他们,稍微错置于其它时间,他们是上层中产阶级的两名儿子,他们觉得,因为虚伪和伪善而降尊了,因那充斥着他们周围所见的世界。Or if I can put the case for them slightly anachronistically, these are two sons of the upper bourgeois who feel degraded by the mendacity and hypocrisy of the world they see around them.

那些所谓热爱和平的西方国家,所做的一切只会使我更强烈感觉到他们的虚伪,腐败和不公正。I feel even more strongly now than I ever did, doubt the mendacity and the corruption and the injustice of so many of the actions taken by what are called peace-loving western democracies.