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在海岛上建设的港口。告别了没有深水良港的历史。Bid goodbye to its history of having no deepwater port.

而“深水地平线”的失败则使整个美国都觉面上无光。Deepwater Horizon's failure demoralized the whole nation.

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李家决定搬到深水湾的房子。The Lis have decided to move to the flat in Deepwater Bay.

而今年六月初的深海地平线号泄露的原油又给它新添了一份色彩。In early June Deepwater Horizon oil was added to the recipe.

2010年4月20日,钻井平台“深水地平线”发生了一场爆炸,并在两日后倾覆沉没。Deepwater Horizon suffered an explosion and sank two days later.

深水钻油平台漏油的一个鸟瞰画面。An aerial view of the oil leaked from the Deepwater Horizon wellhead.

宁波港是世界著名的深水良港,自然条件得天独厚。Ningbo Port is a famous deepwater port for its good natural conditions.

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从这次“深水地平线”事故中,人们将会得到很多的经验教训。There will be plenty of lessons to learn from the Deepwater Horizon disaster.

问题是“深水地平线号”事故是否会改变这种平衡。The question is whether the Deepwater Horizon accident might change the balance.

双壁钢围堰是桥梁深水基础施工的重要设施。Double-wall steel cofferdam is the important facility of bridge's deepwater foundation.

事实上,曾有人推测“深海地平线”会发生此类可怕的井喷事故。Precisely such a dreaded blowout is presumed to have occurred on the Deepwater Horizon.

山东日照岚山港是一个新兴港口,是山东为数不多的几个拥有天然深水码头的港口。Lanshan harbor of RiZhao in Shandong province is a new harbor—a deepwater wharf harbour.

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随着昂贵的深海石油愈发重要,拉丁美洲将迎来最大的跃进。The greatest leap will come in Latin America as pricey deepwater oil grows in importance.

当翻滚的波浪前进到深水岛时,他吹到内脏开始流血。When the tumbling wave had drawn even with Deepwater Isle, he blew till his innards bled.

这块油田经深水钻井平台发现,需要进一步评估。The field, which requires further appraisal, was discovered in the Deepwater Tano license.

这片浮油是由于处于墨西哥湾的“深海地平线”钻井平台的一次事故造成的。The oil slick resulted from an accident at the Deepwater Horizon rig in the Gulf of Mexico.

中国正在进行深水油气勘探,十分有必要开展这方面的地质灾害研究。China is exploring the deepwater hydrocarbon, and it is essential to study the SWF geohazards.

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应对墨西哥湾原油泄漏,深水地平线统一指挥官方网站.Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill Response, the official site of the Deepwater Horizon unified command.

有官员称,情况已得到控制,不会重演2010年“深水地平线”钻井漏油事故。Officials say this is containable. It will not be like the Deepwater Horizon accident in 2010.

这只海龟是从墨西哥湾的“深水地平线”钻油平台漏油事件中拯救出来的。The turtle was rescued from oil leaking from the Deepwater Horizon well in the Gulf of Mexico.