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收费不包括午膳。Fee does not include lunch.

船费包括饮食在内吗?Does the fare include a meal?

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对话中包含冲突。Include conflict in dialogue.

ESP的潜在应用领域包括Potential uses for ESP include

宠物食品只提供干粮。Include only dry food for pets.

新盔甲包括女性网。New armors include female mesh.

在它们上都存在身体的定位图They include maps of your body.

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套餐里包括咖啡吗?Does the set meal include coffee?

猿包括猿或猴子。Simians include apes and monkeys.

部分客房还配备了小厨房。Some rooms include a kitchenette.

什么是禁运品,都包括什么?What does the contraband include?

该页面显示需要包含的代码。The page shows the code to include.

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另一方面,在这份榜单上涌现出226名后起之秀。The rankings include 226 newcomers.

当然手和脸也可能包括在内。It might include face and hands too.

刀还可以包括电动工具。Cutters can also include power tools.

房费包括早餐吗?Does the room rate include breakfast?

如果是,他们包括踢脚线吗?If so, do they include the baseboard?

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这些行动可能包括重新计划。These actions may include replanning.

包括橡木,胡桃木和樱桃木。These include oak, walnut and cherry.

你的礼品袋中会包含一件J!Your goody bag will include one of J!