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跟她在一起工作你一定是干劲十足吧?You must be a fireball working with her.

接着他就引火自焚变成火球。He then lit himself and became a fireball.

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这些会让地球成为一个大火球。This could turn the Earth into a huge fireball.

韦斯利的照片是颜色的,火球出现在照片的右侧。The fireball appears on the right side of Wesley's image.

飞机得头部朝下俯冲,瞬间转化为一个火球。The plane plunges in a nosedive and turns into a fireball

火球要大的多,而且膨胀速度迅速的多。There the fireball is much larger and expands much more rapidly.

当你想品尝甜的味道时,可以吸允非常的“火球”糖果。When you need something sweet, suck on a red-hot fireball candy.

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当你的相机恰好捕捉到一颗火流星的时候,你会发现相机的焦距没有调好。When you catch a fireball on your camera the photo will be out of focus.

这就说明,新生的宇宙是一个非常均匀的火球。It reveals the newborn universe to have been a remarkably uniform fireball.

我吓了一跳迅速往天空看,看到一枚蓝绿色的光球缓慢的划过。I was shocked and saw the sky quickly, there was a teal fireball past slowly.

突然在门后发生大规模爆炸,摧毁了Veronica的房间。A massive fireball explodes out the front door, destroying Veronica’s apartment.

我吓了一跳迅速往天空看,看到一枚蓝绿色的光球缓慢的划过。I was shocked and saw the sky quickly, and there was a teal fireball past slowly.

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你,你总给我打气,不让我放弃,还有你,你我共同创造了火球。You, you wouldn't let me give up on myself, and you well you co-created Fireball.

一团大火球象徵宇宙的结束,物质全部塌缩到原点。It'd be the end universe in a big fireball as all the matter collapses onto itself.

该通告没有说明时间和地点。The notice did not specify a time or location. Watch video of meteor-like fireball »

关于这次灾难的官方文件记载,许多人在这个巨大的火球中蒸发。Official files on the disaster described how many were vaporised in the huge fireball.

事故后果模拟模块包括对池火灾、喷射火、火球与气爆、蒸气云爆炸四种伤害模型的模拟。They are pool fire mode, jet fire mode, fireball & BLEVE mode and steam cloud explosion mode.

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火球在形成之后立刻迅速膨胀并上升,像热气球一样。Immediately upon formation, the fireball begins to grow rapidly and rise like a hot air balloon.

由红外热成像仪的结果可以得到,爆炸火球表面最高温度可以达到1809.5℃。The highest temperature of fireball reached to 1809.5℃with the results of infrared thermography.

当火球冷却时,内部的气化物质压缩形成固态微粒云。As the fireball cools, the vaporized materials in it condense to form a cloud of solid particles.