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谢里夫说,无论怎样他都会来访。Sharif said he wanted to come anyway.

然而谢里夫及其同类大学继续茁壮成长。Yet Sharif and its ilk continue to thrive.

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斯坦佛大学已经成为谢里夫大学的毕业生最中意的目标。Stanford has become a favorite destination of Sharif grads.

那么如何解释伊朗纪录,是谢里夫大学有什么特别的么?So what explains Iran's record, and that of Sharif in particular?

实际上,布托和沙里夫作为总理,都不怎么出色,可以说挺差劲的。In truth, both Miss Bhutto and Mr Sharif were lousy prime ministers.

一名总统助理说,谢里夫随身佩戴着AK-47步枪。One presidential aide said Mr. Sharif was armed with an AK-47 rifle.

马扎里沙里夫是阿富汗北部重镇,也是巴尔赫省首府。Northern city of Mazar-e Sharif in Afghanistan, but also the capital of Balkh province.

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有大约十年的时间,她和她的政治对手纳瓦兹·谢里夫轮流担任内阁总理。For 10 years, she and her political rival Nawaz Sharif alternated terms as prime minister.

“国际援助的问题是,它经常来得迟,并且很有限,”谢赫·谢里夫感叹道。“The problem with international aid is that it often comes late and is limited,” Sheik Sharif sighed.

当我遇到乔布斯,他年纪和我相仿,穿着牛仔裤,看起来有点像叙利亚人或者犹太人,比奥玛-沙里夫帅多了。When I met Steve, he was a guy my age in jeans, Arab- or Jewish-looking and handsomer than Omar Sharif.

两个总统谢赫谢里夫谢赫艾哈迈德和总理穆罕默德阿卜杜拉穆罕默德赞同Fiqi的情绪。Both President Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed and Prime Minister Mohammed Abdullahi Mohammed echoed Fiqi's sentiments.

谢里夫总理提出了“亚洲之虎”的梦想,为巴基斯坦勾画出宏伟蓝图。Prime Minister Sharif has crafted the vision of the "Asian Tiger Dream", outlining a great blueprint for Pakistan.

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5月份,当扎尔达里阻挠重新任用这些法官时,谢里夫派九名部长从联合政府中集体请辞。As Mr Zardari stalled over reinstating the judges, Mr Sharif in May withdrew his nine ministers from the government.

许多人认为两人之间的冲突代表了两个党派之间的根本矛盾。Many considered that this dispute between Mr Zardari and Mr Sharif encapsulated the natural rivalry between their two parties.

谢里夫在伊斯兰堡郊外举行的一次示威集会上没有理会这一警告,他敦促支持者下星期都到首都举行集会。Sharif dismissed the warning in a demonstration outside Islamabad and urged his supporters to converge on the capital next week.

你不能排除外国势力插手的可能。You cannot exclude the foreign hand, " said Masood Sharif Khattak, a former head of the country's Intelligence Bureau spy agency.

谢里夫说,两党无法在早先设定的法官复职的最后期限之前达成协议,主要是对具体做法有分歧。Sharif says the two parties could not meet an earlier deadline set for the judges' return, because of differences on how to do it.

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今天晚些时候,反对党领导人谢里夫和扎尔达里将开始在伊斯兰堡组建联合政府。Opposition leaders Nawaz Sharif and Asif Zardari are due to begin putting together a coalition government in Islamabad later today.

巴基斯坦前总理纳瓦兹•谢里夫在流亡海外七年后终于得以在上周一重返家园,但不幸又在同一天又被驱逐至沙特阿拉伯。Former Prime Minister, Nawaz Sharif arrived last Monday, after seven years in exile, only to be deported to Saudi Arabia the same day.

不过现在他却不需要再这样做了,旁遮普当地警方决定释放仍在监禁中的谢里夫,当作是对军队命令的回应。He can no longer do so—the Punjab police’s decision to free Mr Sharif from confinement was very likely in response to an army command.