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流亡的伊朗国王穆罕默德·礼萨·马列维在埃及去世。Mohammad Reza Pahlavi , the Shah of Iran, died in Ehypt in exile.

人们走上街头,要求推翻巴列维王朝。People marched on the streets asking for the overturn of the Pahlavi dynasty.

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1925年,巴勒维从卡贾尔王朝手上夺回权力,建立了新的巴勒维王朝。In 1925, Reza Shah Pahlavi seized power from the Qajars and established the new Pahlavi dynasty.

但在第二个阴谋发动了几天后,成功,巴列维被允许重新掌权。But after a second plot staged a few days later succeeded, Pahlavi was allowed to return to power.

阿1953年的政变中支持巴列维-由美国人和英国人-失败,沙阿被迫逃离。A 1953 coup in support of Pahlavi — backed by the Americans and British — failed and the Shah was forced to flee.

伊朗商人是1979年将巴列维赶下台的反对派运动的组成。Iran's merchants were an important part of the opposition movement that swept Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlavi from power in 1979.

1977年底,爆发了反君主政权的政治动乱,迫使巴列维国王于1979年1月16日逃亡国外。At the end of 1977, a political turbulence against the monarchy regime broke up, forcing the Pahlavi family going into exile on 16 Jan. 1979.

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1966年7月28日出生于德黑兰,巴列维1979年在伊朗革命期间来到美国,之前在伊朗上的学。Born in Tehran on July 28, 1966, Pahlavi attended schools in Iran before traveling to the United States in 1979 during the Iranian revolution.

伊朗和埃及于1979年断绝外交关系,原因是埃及同以色列媾和,收留被废黜的伊朗国王巴列维。Iran and Egypt broke off diplomatic relations in 1979 because of Egypt to make peace with Israel, hosting of the deposed Shah of Iran Pahlavi.

埃斯凡迪亚里现任美国伍德罗·威尔逊国际中心的中东项目主管,曾与巴列维就读德黑兰的同一所女子学校。Esfandiaridirector of the Middle East Program at the Woodrow Wilson International Center hereattended the same girls school in Tehran as Pahlavi.

在巴列维国王时期,亚述人,亚美尼亚人,犹太人,拜火教徒和巴哈教派信徒得到了一些权力并进而代表了20世纪社会现代化元素。Under the Pahlavi shahs, Assyrians, Armenians, Jews, Zoroastrians, and Baha'is regained some of their rights and came to represent the modernizing elements of 20th century society.

倒数第二位国王拉扎巴勒维,在1935年要求世界称这个国家为伊朗,但是在1959年,穆罕默德拉扎巴勒维却宣称,波斯和伊朗都可以交替地使用。The second-to-last Shah, Reza Pahlavi , asked the world to call the country Iran in 1935, but in 1959 Mohammad Reza Pahlavi announced that both Persia and Iran can be used interchangeably.